Chapter 2281 Retirement

"There is no need to discuss this matter again. I have my own judgment. I don't need to bother you ministers. You just need to do your job well." No one noticed that Jun Luoxi's tone was frozen to the extreme.

However, these old ministers have never seen her methods, and one by one prostrated on the ground, "The old ministers are thinking about the whole country and the country, and for the continuation of the royal family's blood. The ministers are sure that the Emperor of the Underworld can spread branches and leaves for the royal family."

"Get up, I have said it, if you don't want to talk about it, don't force me!"

"Underworld Emperor, please take back your life and think twice." These veterans continued to kneel, and if they refused to agree, they would have to kneel for a long time.

I'm sorry, but she's seen this scene in TV dramas before, so she doesn't like this one!

The masters of the Jinhuo family also knelt down. This matter was brought up by them, and no one else could be allowed to stand out. The masters of the Shuimu family were quite calm. They had been in contact with Jun Luoxi for the longest time, and they knew each other best.

There was another moment of silence in the hall. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, on the first day, this group of veterans planned to give her a blow?Hehehe.

His fingers tapped lightly on the desk, as if he was playing the piano, calm and extraordinary, Fei Fei continued to eat hard, like a starved ghost reincarnated, not aware of the current changes at all.

"Several old ministers are quite old, but they still have to worry about this lifelong event for me. I am very touched." The ambiguous words made them unable to hear the joy or anger in it.

"This is the job of the ministers and should be done."

Ha ha, they know.

What a job!
"I feel that the ministers are quite old, and it's time to retire and go home to take care of them. The fourth child makes you worry so much. If you don't know, you will scold me for being incompetent."

They were stunned for a moment, their faces turned pale, what's going on, shouldn't they agree to choose concubines as they thought, why did it shift to the matter of them returning home for the elderly, this is to dismiss their officials.

Panicked, but she shouldn't have dared, they are old ministers, the most taboo of a king is to retire all the old ministers, after all, if the regime is to be stable, they are indispensable.

"The Underworld Emperor means that you want to give up your position as a minister?" The tone was full of questioning!

Jun Luoxi grinned, "It's fine if you want to understand this way, of course, did you agree, or did I order it? Hmm?"

Seeing that she was playing for real, everyone was scared, and looked at the Patriarchs of the Jinhuo family one by one, but they were also very entangled, and they were not very familiar with her temper now.

Although there are four major families, the Mizuki family is the one with the deepest love for her, okay?

"Don't look at the Patriarchs of Jinhuo, or do you mean that the two also want to retire early? If that's the case, I will make an order now, so that the two young masters can take the throne?"

"Ahem, no, we never thought that way." At this time, of course self-protection is the most important thing.

"That's it. My lord has created a lot of blessings for the people in you, and I will give you a few acres of fertile land, gold coins, etc., to retire well, and you don't need to worry about a lot of age."

To be dismissed before showing their influence is a slap in the face!They are old ministers, and they don't believe that she really dared to do this.

"Pluto, you can't, you can't do this to us!"

"No? Why did you treat you? It's not good to let you take care of yourselves. Don't you ministers sympathize with me who just came to power and are going to leave like a breeze? Oh, by the way, I don't know if you have heard of the Bai family?"

The Bai family fought with her ten thousand years ago, and finally disappeared in the underworld for unknown reasons, of course they knew it.

(End of this chapter)

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