Chapter 2284 Action 2
They think that they are very tolerant. In this way, if something goes wrong later, they can tell the world that it is not that they did not give the opportunity, but that the other party is not capable enough.

On the one hand, it can reflect their generous character, and on the other hand, it also tells everyone that it is impossible for a woman to be an official.

"Very good, do you have anything else to say? If not, let's call it a day and retreat!"

Even though Jun Luoxi was not wearing the grand attire of Emperor Hades, no one dared to refute the undoubted temperament on his body.

Everyone saluted again and again, "I wait to send the Underworld Emperor respectfully" Seeing her figure disappear, everyone felt inexplicably that the pressure hanging over their heads disappeared.

"Ahem, Brother Jin, we haven't finished that game of chess last time, but today I suddenly thought of a move, shall we continue?" Patriarch Huo said quickly, found an excuse, and went out with Patriarch Jin first.

Those old ministers realized that the two of them had already rubbed the soles of their feet with oil, and they ran away. They were so angry that they blew their beards and stared at each other. It was they who started it, but they were the ones who got burned in the end.

"Master Huo is waiting for us"

An old minister waved at them, unexpectedly, they ran faster, and disappeared soon as they turned a deaf ear.


Just looking at Shui Qingqing and them, the four of them walked to the door at some point, lowered their heads, and ran away quickly, joking. At this time, they didn't want to talk to these old men.

Seeing this, they were depressed to death, the anger in their eyes was soaring up!

"Damn it!" Watching the two Patriarchs of Jin Huo leave, the ministers looked at each other, feeling a little more concerned.

the next day.

As far as the number of people in court is obviously much less, there are no more ministers among them, and there are still a few important and special positions, at least there are about 20 people.

Looking at the remaining 40 people in the main hall, Jun Luoxi squinted his eyes, smiled and said nothing.

"What's the matter, there are so many people who are lacking in court the next day, are they all sick?"

The chief executive next to him cupped his hands at Jun Luoxi, "I would like to report to the Emperor of the Underworld, except for a few veterans who went home to retire, like the servants of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of War, they both contracted the cold and said they were afraid of infecting other ministers. Therefore, I asked for leave. As for the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and several others, one old mother was seriously ill, and one wife had dystocia, so they could not come."

As soon as these words came out, the corners of everyone's mouths couldn't help twitching a few times. This reason is really vulgar to the extreme.

Jun Luoxi raised her eyebrows, heh, I knew they would make moves, but I didn't expect them to come so soon.

"Oh? I'm sick. It just so happens that I'm a pharmacist. I've recently refined a lot of pills. I'll send someone to deliver them later. It won't work without them. There are still many things waiting for them to do. "

Several ministers were stunned. There is still such a good thing, and the Underworld Emperor is not angry?But Mao and the others always felt that something was wrong.

"Okay, go ahead"

Originally, I thought Jun Luoxi would be very angry, but I didn't know that she didn't have any reaction. Now everyone couldn't figure out what she was thinking, holding the pill bottle in her hand, feeling confused.

Inside the palace, there is a gazebo in the imperial garden, and several people sit and enjoy the cool air.

"Xi Xi, this is not like your style. Those old men are obviously causing trouble for you. You actually gave those ministers pills. You have no place to put your pills for me. I am in short supply!"

Shui Qing had a pained expression on her face, and the pill that Xi Xi shot could be so bad that most people couldn't get it even if they wanted it.

(End of this chapter)

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