Chapter 2293 Drastic Changes
"This is a matter of the minister's duty, the minister dare not." The minister's heart skipped a beat, fearing that Jun Luoxi would get angry because of this, he secretly accused him, why meddle in other's business.

"It's reasonable, but I didn't think carefully. For the sake of caring about the court and the people, I will reward you a lot when I look back. Now that I have rested, I will come back. There are many matters in the court. Ministers are indispensable."

Hearing this, they were immediately excited, and they breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, fortunately, there was time.

Afterwards, Lin Chan and the others bowed their hands towards them, "I have tried and understood the work of the adults, and then I understand the hard work. Now, we have just come into contact with it, and there are many things I don't understand. I hope that the adults will teach you more in the future. Guide me to wait."

"Of course no problem" Can they refuse, no.

"My lord is very pleased to see that you are so united. I hope that in the days to come, everyone can support each other, make progress together, and share worries for the people and this lord."

"The minister takes orders."

Everyone hurriedly saluted. From this point of view, Lin Chan and the others stepped down the steps, and Jun Luoxi pushed the boat smoothly. At this time, it was considered an end.

Afterwards, these ministers went back to their posts, only to find that the people under them treated Lin Chan and the others with courtesy and admiration. Seeing this, they couldn't say anything.

However, I was still very upset with them in my heart. Under the "reasonable" request, I kept giving them various difficult tasks, which Lin Chan and the others readily accepted.

But they don't know that they will indeed have a hard time in the early stage, but in the later stage, when they get used to various things and are familiar with them, there is nothing that can be difficult for them.

The trial position of female officer was set up one after another, except for Lin Chan and the others, there were gradually women from outside aristocratic families who were qualified.

In addition, Jun Luoxi gave them a special status as a teacher who was not suitable for serving in the court.

In the human race, female masters also exist. For example, in Fengyun College, there are also many female tutors, and some things are more suitable for them to teach. Later, some schools were established.

All girls of the right age, regardless of status or status, can enter the study. Of course, if you have money and no place to spend it, you can, enroll in a special training class. Those who spend money, various categories, and various skills, as long as they are useful, they will be set up and gradually improving.

At the beginning, everyone was not optimistic, but after studying for a few days, it is obvious that the atmosphere has changed. Everyone no longer compares wealth and status, but talks about knowledge, strength and ability. Work hard to shine.

The older generation was still stubborn at first, but after a little thought, it was absolute support, and Jun Luoxi had more and more supporters in the underworld.

The old ministers who clamored for Jun Luoxi's maverick before were really speechless at the moment, and the people they promoted, after the vacation warning, came back so well-behaved that they didn't have the heart to resist.

Especially seeing how many excellent people, regardless of men or women, are watching them make mistakes so that they can take their place, so they only care about handling the things in hand, and they have no other thoughts.

Sometimes, if you want to change, it is easy to say, and difficult to say, but fortunately, it is not difficult for Jun Luoxi, who has accepted various ideas and knowledge.

This drastic action will be very difficult at first, but the subsequent effect will definitely be impressive.

"Xi Xi, the sky in the Nether Realm has really changed because of you." Shui Qingqing was quite admirable.

(End of this chapter)

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