Chapter 2308 Powerless
"It's her, huh? What's the relationship between her and that girl Jun Luoxi, you two are brother and sister?" The God of Medicine subconsciously said when he saw the person lying on the ice bed.

Jun Moyan was taken aback, "We are not."

How could they be brothers and sisters? Of course not, they just happened to be named Jun.

"Ha, I'm sorry, I was joking, but I didn't expect people to be so similar." He said, sitting on the chair next to the ice bed, and stretched out his hand to carefully feel the woman's pulse.

The chill in his hand made him shiver involuntarily, and then he concentrated on sensing the pulse. The person lying on the ice bed had all the functions of the body become the lowest, as if hibernating.

After a while, he slowly withdrew his hand.

"God of medicine, how is my mother?"

He never dared to ask anyone else to heal his mother. All this time, the Great Elder was the only one to help him, because apart from him, he couldn't find any other powerful and trustworthy alchemist.

"Suffering a huge internal injury, it's good to be able to recover a life. It's tricky, but I can give it a try. Use a little nourishing elixir to warm and nourish her body. She has been in this situation for a long time."

Jun Moyan nodded bitterly, "It's been 12 years." He grew up from a boy to an adult, but she couldn't even see his growth.

"It's been so long for 12 years, how old were you then?"

The God of Medicine looked at him in surprise, what kind of perseverance and ability allowed him to take his mother with him for so many years, and he was still a person whose life was hanging by a thread and would die at any time.

"This kid, I was five years old when I took him in as an apprentice, so many years have passed in the blink of an eye."

The elder Tai Taishang was very emotional. In the past, he was taught abroad to learn from him. Later, when he grew up, he was brought back to the school.

The God of Medicine nodded, "You must have used a lot of good things over the years, otherwise it would be impossible to last until now. In this way, I will go back and study it first, refine some pills, and see if it works. To be honest, I Not too sure."

Jun Moyan listened, feeling extremely heavy in his heart, but he didn't dare to show regret on his face, for fear that the God of Medicine would let him die.

"I'm sorry, my lord. If you need any spiritual grass treasures, just ask, Mo Yan will definitely do everything possible to find them." As long as it is useful to mother, he will not hesitate to go up the mountain of swords or under the sea of ​​fire.

Early the next morning, the God of Medicine came to the dark room again with Jun Moyan, bringing the refined elixir.

"This elixir is mainly refined from 99 kinds of nourishing, warming and nourishing spirit herbs collected by the old man. Although it is not a spirit herb above the millennium level, it is still acceptable for her current body. You Feed her and have a look."

Jun Moyan held the elixir bottle in both hands, as if holding the most precious treasure in the world. He came to the woman, carefully fed a elixir into her mouth, and then catalyzed the elixir with spiritual power.

Gradually, you can see that the woman's face has become a little angry, but there is only a trace of vitality.

"I'll give her one pill every other month from now on, and I can probably take it for two or three years," the God of Medicine explained from the side.

This woman's current body is extremely fragile, if she is not careful with the medication, she may die due to her deficiency, so he can only think of this strategy.

"Master Medicine God, will my mother wake up? When will it be?"

"This old man is not sure. After falling asleep for so many years, his life is actually hanging by a thread. Maybe he can find a more powerful pharmacist or prescription than the old man. Maybe there is still hope."

He is like this, he speaks out when he can be cured, and speaks out when he cannot be cured. He will not leave hope for others. Sometimes hope is too high, and he will face Junda's despair.

(End of this chapter)

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