Chapter 2310 Blood of the Holy Spirit
Jun Moyan turned pale with shock, "How could this happen!" My heart was pounding, oh my god, how could it be this thing.

Hearing this, the elder Tai Tai frowned deeply, and his face was very ugly.

Seeing this, the God of Medicine felt annoyed for no reason, "Even if you find the Holy Soul Grass, you still need the hard work of your loved ones, and even if everything is complete, I'm not sure yet!"

"Mo Yan, give up, keep her for so long, maybe this is your fate." The elder Da Taishang sighed deeply, since childhood, this child has suffered too much, so he should let go and live his own life.

"The heart and blood of the dearest relatives, why is it the dearest relatives, my lord, mine, can I use mine, use a little more, it should be effective, it's all blood" Jun Moyan is like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw , clinging to it tightly.

After the words fell, Yaoshen was a little stunned, "Your, use, uh, what's the situation, you are not her son?"

"I wish it was me." Jun Moyan smiled very bitterly, if it was his, let alone his heartache, it would be okay to kill him.

Yaoshen was a little embarrassed, it turned out that he made a mistake, "Then you call him mother?"

"She is Mo Yan's mother, the only mother." He has no impression of his relatives, and has been with her since he can remember. He didn't know the truth until she returned from a serious injury.

How much he wished that he didn't know the truth and just kept it a secret from himself, but that's fine, if he used his blood to refine medicine without knowing it, wouldn't it be harming his mother.

There was never a moment when he hated so much that the blood he left was not hers.

"Then, can her family be found?" Yao Shen asked cautiously. Even if they found it, they might not be willing. This is quite a risky thing, even if there is a good guarantee.

But after taking the painstaking efforts, people have to rest for at least half a year. Without all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures to nourish them, I'm afraid it will be difficult to heal, and there may be sequelae and the like.

Jun Moyan shook his head, "I don't know where my mother's home is or who it is, she never tells me." That's why he was depressed, there was a huge crowd, where to find her family.

"God of Medicine, let me say a word, besides the painstaking efforts of loved ones, are there other alternative spiritual treasures?" Since they couldn't find anyone, they had to think of other ways.

"The blood of the Holy Spirit is the only one that has the same effect as the blood of the dearest relatives." The God of Medicine laughed at himself, "Don't even think about it, it's even rarer than the Holy Soul Grass."

Hearing the words of the spirit treasures that had never been heard before from the mouth of the God of Medicine, Jun Moyan and the elder Da Taishang felt sad in their hearts.

"What is the blood of the Holy Spirit?"

"The holy spirit, the god, the person who has the purest blood of the gods. His blood is the blood of the holy spirit. Now there are two places where the blood of the gods is bred, one is the domain of the gods, and the other is the fairyland. One line, it can be called the blood of the Holy Spirit, but how could they be willing to donate blood."

He has never met the woman in front of him. Although the blood essence is not more expensive than the heart blood essence, taking it away will also hurt people's vitality. It is difficult.

The latter seems to know where it is on the surface, but the other party is human, so it is naturally rarer than the holy soul grass.

"I don't know who the person in God's Domain has the blood of the Holy Spirit, and they may not give it to you, so I don't recommend you go. You should pay more attention to her family, maybe there is still some hope."

He found his family, but he also had to find the holy soul grass. No matter what it was, it was very difficult to find it, but he didn't give up, so that's all he had to say.

When the time comes, he will understand the hardships involved, and maybe he will give up.

(End of this chapter)

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