Chapter 2419

"Sisters, go slowly!
"Liu Yiru chuckled, and the personal maid escorted them out of the door, and then turned back. As soon as she got to the door, she heard the sound of the teacup inside falling and shattering.

All the maids serving in the room came out from inside with their heads lowered at this moment, not daring to make a sound.

She sighed slightly, and walked in more cautiously. The room was in a mess, with pastries, tea, chairs, stools and some vases scattered all over the floor.

And Liu Yiru was still smashing, she didn't know why she was angry, she just laughed at Yan Yan, full of nobility.

"Your Majesty calm down, don't hurt yourself."

A piece of debris hit her feet, Xiaoqin walked over, and while talking, helped Liu Yiru to sit aside.

The originally delicate and lovely face was now full of anger, which severely damaged the beauty of her face. She gritted her teeth like a boudoir who had been left out in the cold.

"Who is the evildoer in Qinghe Garden, who actually puts up such a big picture, don't you think this concubine is in your eyes!"

Without becoming a queen, she could not call herself the palace, but only the concubine, and the other concubines could only call themselves concubines or slaves.

Xiaoqin picked up a fan and fanned her lightly, "Your Majesty, calm down, no matter how amazing she looks, but her origin is unknown, and she cannot threaten your status. Calm down."

After saying this, Liu Yiru's face softened a little, "But His Majesty loves her so much, which has never happened before. This concubine is worried."

Your Majesty is too abnormal, if it is the same as before, there is nothing to say.

But now, let alone the harem, even many people outside know that he cares about a rescued woman very much, and often goes to Qinghe Garden when he is free.

You must know that after he usually dealt with the government affairs, he would occasionally come to their palace to sit and drink some tea, and the rest of the time was spent practicing. This woman of unknown origin took up too much time, which was very bad.

"Niangniang, it's not that time yet, don't worry, first find out the details of the other party before you talk." Xiaoqin felt helpless, but she could only comfort her.

Being in this palace, her temperament has changed. Her young lady was not like this before. Hey, it's all because of that man. Because of him alone, all the women in the palace are vying for favor and want to get his share. Show mercy.

"My concubine understands, it's alright, this concubine is tired and wants to rest." Liu Yiru looked sad, got up and walked into the house.

Xiaoqin straightened her face and called for others to clean up the mess in the house.

Their mother would drop something almost every few days, so she had no choice but to pretend to be simple and buy less expensive things.

On this day, the wind is sunny, the sun is slightly drunk in the morning, and the fragrance of flowers is intoxicating.

Jun Luoxi was sitting in a wheelchair in the courtyard, enjoying the fresh air, her heart was peaceful, with her hands folded on her lower abdomen, feeling the little life swimming inside from time to time.

At this time, a well-behaved court lady came to her side, "Girl, do you want to eat some fruit, my servant will get it for you."

"No need, just pour me some water, where did the little fish go?"

Early this morning, it wasn't Xiaoyu who was serving her, but other maids in the courtyard.

They are not as smart as Xiaoyu, and they don't know how to prepare things according to her eyes or complexion. They suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. It turns out that people will become lazy.

"Xiao Yuzhang didn't feel well last night. The servants asked her to rest and come back to serve the girl later." The maid had a low eyebrow and was very obedient.

"Oh" sick?When she left last night, her complexion looked quite good, and she is also a person of cultivation, so it is not possible, but everyone is a mortal body, and there are times when they feel uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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