Chapter 2424

Xiaoyu's face became angry for a while, "Miss Jun would not do such a thing, the thing about me falling into the water" was on the verge of speaking, but was interrupted by Jun Luoxi.

"Miss Xiaoqin said that I tripped you, may I ask where you fell? I remember it seems to be here, and you ladies should also remember, you see, there is still a mark there."

As she spoke, she indicated with her eyes that the guardrails on both sides of the corridor on the lake only reach below people's knees, so it is not too crowded for one person to walk, and everyone is more or less cultivated, so they are not built very high.

Everyone looked at the mark and nodded. It seems that it did fall from there.

Xiaoqin didn't know why she asked such a question, but she also nodded. This question cannot lie.

Hearing this, Jun Luoxi grinned, "Then Miss Xiaoqin, let me ask you again, did you really trip over your fall, or did you fall on purpose, and then someone ordered you to place the blame on me? "

"Miss Jun, please spare this servant, just treat it as my carelessness, Your Majesty, let this matter be like this, Miss Jun, she definitely didn't mean it." Xiaoqin looked pitiful.

But what she said and what she thought of all pointed to Jun Luoxi, it was her fault, it was her fault.

Seeing her like this, Yue Ling Qianshang and Jun Luoxi's expressions became extremely cold.

"Think clearly before answering!"

Liu Yiru's goal has been achieved, and immediately glared at Jun Luoxi angrily after hearing the sound, "Miss Jun, my concubine did not offend you, why can't I get along with us? Let's take a walk in this imperial garden together. I don't know if we are in the way." Where are you now?"

"It's not that I'm in the way, but I want to ask what's bothering you, that you actually use such indecent means to deal with me. It's a pity that you have lived in this palace for so long, and you are not familiar with Gongdou. , do you want me to teach you?"

As soon as Jun Luoxi said this, everyone present, including Yueling Qianshang, were all dumbfounded. What she said was really straightforward, but what exactly did she want to do.

After finishing speaking, she pointed to her legs, "Is it true that I tripped someone, at least I have to produce evidence, first, my leg was injured, and second, I couldn't reach Xiaoqin when I stretched out my leg." The place where you fell, may I ask if your legs can stretch and stretch, so you can trip over people when you run so far?"

After listening to her analysis, everyone immediately turned their attention to the master and servant. It was so obvious that they were framed, and they were not stupid.

Xiaoqin opened her mouth, "It's clear that something tripped me, and you've got a good cultivation! It must be you."

Oops, the situation is getting worse and worse for them, what to do.

"Me? I'm new here, and I have no grievances or enmities with you. Why did I harm you, and even offended the imperial concubine? Do you think I'm the kind of idler who is full and has nothing to do?"

What they are talking about is that this group of people who are full and have nothing to do, want to compete for favor, what are they going to do, look for Yueling Qianshang, what are you doing holding her?Instead of harming others, it's better to improve yourself and squeeze out your competitors. These ancient women have pig-like brains.

Yueling Qianshang couldn't help laughing, "Tell the truth! Otherwise, go to the punishment hall."

Xingtang, can her delicate body take it?

At this moment, Liu Yi also realized that the fall was not good. There was no evidence at all to show that she did it, because she didn't see the other party make a move, and Xiaoqin's words alone could not take her down.

"Xiaoqin, don't be afraid, did you slip on the soles of your feet? You thought you were tripped by someone?" Liu Yiru knew the people who were advancing and retreating, and realized that her actions were not good for her, so she immediately changed her tone.

"Miss Jun, I'm sorry, it's my servant who made a mistake, my servant misunderstood you, Your Majesty, please forgive me."

(End of this chapter)

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