Chapter 2431 I'm Not Going

Yueling Qianshang raised a finger, his face full of fascination, "Yeah, I drank a pot, hiccup."

"One jug? One bucket is almost the same!" Only a ghost would believe that he would get drunk after drinking a jug.

Xiaoyu paused and helped him to sit down, "Your Majesty, I'll take you back to rest." However, he seemed to be in that position, motionless, and his eyes fell deeply on Jun Luoxi.

"Luo Xi, have a drink or two with me."

"Don't drink today, another day" She is pregnant now, so she can't drink, but the other party is obviously drunk at the moment, so she doesn't care about it.

Yueling Qianshang shook his head, "It's okay, if you don't want to drink, I'll drink it myself, just watch it, oh I forgot you can't drink, you have a child again, how can you drink with a child."

Mumbling in his mouth, he took out a jug of wine from nowhere in his hand and continued to drink.

The next second, she was snatched away by Jun Luoxi, she frowned, "You drank too much, if I remember correctly, you have to go to court tomorrow, go back and rest."

To drink away his worries, did he encounter something depressing? He was fine when he left her during the day, but he suddenly changed his appearance, which is strange and unaccustomed.

"I didn't drink too much, I can still drink it." However, facing Shang Jun's cold and stern face, he shook his head severely, and poured the tea on the table to drink.

The air was quiet for a second, Xiaoyu didn't know what to do next to him, his majesty would run to the woman's courtyard when he was drunk, this had never happened before, what happened today.

Jun Luoxi pursed her lips, took out a medicine bottle, poured out two pills and handed them over, "Eat it!"

"What is this?" Yue Ling Qianshang's eyes overlapped, and he couldn't see clearly at all.

"Feed him, sober up."

After she finished speaking, Xiaoyu took it immediately, sniffed it a little and stuffed it into Yueling Qianshang's mouth. As his person, his safety should be the most important thing. Jun Luoxi saw it and didn't say anything .

After the power of the medicine was emitted, he felt that his rationality became clearer, but he still couldn't figure out his situation, "Luoxi, why do you come to me when you have time? Is there something wrong?"

Jun Luoxi rolled her eyes and saw clearly that this was where she lived.

Forget it, you can't communicate with a drunk person.

"Xiao Yu, help him go back." Under such circumstances, he should not stay here. There are already enough gossips in the palace. Seeing that her injury is about to heal, she really doesn't want to have any revenge.

Just as Xiaoyu helped Yueling Qianshang up, he shook his head, "I won't go, I won't go, I will stay here, I'm sleepy!"

After speaking, his body softened and he lay directly on the floor, his face flushed, and he fell asleep.

Jun Luoxi frowned fiercely, "Why is he so poor at drinking?"

"Miss doesn't know, Your Majesty rarely drinks alcohol, and it's the second time I've seen him get so drunk. The first time was when he lost his empress dowager." Xiao Yu also looked puzzled.

"Okay, you go and call someone to send him back to rest" Now that he is asleep, he probably won't resist.

Xiaoyu nodded, called his bodyguards, and helped him leave Qinghe Garden.

However, the news that he was drunk, came to Qinghe Garden but then left, quickly passed through the harem, everyone was boiling, and their speculations about Jun Luoxi became more intense.

She didn't bother to pay attention to this, and she continued to deal with someone playing tricks, treating it as a small pleasure of boring tricks.

After Yueling Qianshang woke up, she looked at the familiar room and got up, "Why am I here?" He remembered that he was in Qinghe Garden before he fell asleep, did she order someone to send him back?

"Your Majesty, you were drunk, and we brought you back from Qinghe Garden after you fell asleep," the bodyguard replied truthfully.

(End of this chapter)

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