Chapter 2441
Outside the carriage, the guards surrounded the carriage to protect it.

"Master" saw Yueling Qianshang come out, and the guards became more vigilant, and the personal guard was by his side, blocking all dangers for him at any time.

With them as the center, less than a hundred meters away, a group of men in black surrounded them, and the atmosphere was chilling. For some reason, this road became extremely quiet, and no one passed by. Presumably these people had been prepared for it.

When the leading middle-aged man saw Yueling Qianshang, his face was masked, his eyes flashed with excitement, "It's the dog emperor, that's right, kill him! Whoever can kill him will be rewarded when he goes back!"

A group of people rushed towards this side like crazy, accompanied by arrow feathers shot out.

Yue Ling Qianshang's face was gloomy, and he waved with force in his hands, and the arrow feathers that flew over were blocked in mid-air and fell to the ground one after another.

"Protect the carriage! Let me kill you!"

Since the other party dared to assassinate him, they knew his identity there.

In an instant, these dozens of guards met these hundreds of men in black, and those who followed him were naturally not low in strength, leaving two people to protect the carriage, and the others and Yueling Qianshang were all there. fighting.

It wasn't over yet, another five or sixty people appeared in the dark, and they went straight to the carriage. It could be seen that the identity of the person in the carriage was unusual, and arresting her would naturally make the other party compromise.


"Master, don't be in a hurry, our people will come here immediately after another stick of incense," a subordinate comforted, they didn't expect that someone would dare to be so presumptuous on their own territory.

Yueling Qianshang's face was slightly solemn, "Okay, Banzhuxiang, pay attention to the carriage."

Luo Xi is just a pregnant woman, if there is any good or bad, it will be two lives, he shouldn't risk taking her out.

But the opponent was clearly well-trained and determined to end the battle quickly. A group of people circled here, and a group of people dealt with the carriage, even Xiao Yu was forced to come out to fight.

"Girl, don't worry, we'll be fine." Afraid that Jun Luoxi would be scared, Xiao Yu comforted him.

In the carriage, Jun Luoxi yawned and said, "These people are so annoying!"

"Isn't that right, they are looking for death!" Thinking that they can deal with them now that there are fewer people is wrong!

"Damn it indeed, then don't leave a single one behind, and blow them all to scum!"

Jun Luoxi's cold and indifferent voice sounded like an innocent girl.

At this time, the gang of killers listened and replied with a sneer, "What a woman who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, you will pay the price for your ignorance. Today, you can die here with the dog emperor."

"Oh? I really don't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is, why don't you tell me."

"Hmph! Speak hard! Come, someone, arrest her, the dog emperor's woman, let the brothers see what it is like, so that they can taste it!" One person laughed wildly.

In the next second, a flame fell from his body, swallowing him in the blink of an eye, but in an instant, it was wiped out in ashes.

"Quick battle, I have to wait to go back to sleep." Jun Luoxi's lazy voice sounded, and two lights and shadows flew out of the carriage, Black Demon Fire and Fatty.

Those so-called well-trained killers never expected that what they encountered was hard stubble, and screams sounded, and then they were surrounded by flames and burned to slag.

Things happened so fast, Yueling Qianshang was a little confused, they were about to go all out, but the enemies were all wiped out.

"Luoxi, this, this is"

Fatty transformed into a human form, and stuck out his tongue at him, "We don't need your protection, you're so weak."

"Fat fat!" As soon as Jun Luoxi's warning voice came out, he immediately turned into a beast shape, squatted innocently on the top of the carriage, and began to play dead.

(End of this chapter)

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