Chapter 2447 Show her arrogant
But now she started to talk arrogantly again, and moved these flowers, now you are looking for your own death!
"You don't have to worry about it, old lady Jun." Liu Yiru's eyes were cold and stern, and she looked at Jun Luoxi with hatred in her eyes.

It was all caused by the woman in front of him, not to mention that he lost face, and the power to command the harem was also dispersed.

Let her seize the opportunity today, she must not just let her go like this!
"Just ask, I don't have the time to care about strangers." He lowered his head and glanced at the basket in his hand. Although there were not many, it was enough for a meal, so he stopped picking.

She walked out from the path, and was stopped by Liu Yiru in the next second.

"Stop! Come with me to see His Majesty, don't try to sneak away!" The stolen goods were stolen, so it's up to His Majesty to protect her.

Jun Luoxi's expression was light, "Don't worry, I'll tell you naturally." It was her fault that she picked the precious flowers raised by her mother, and she would not avoid it.

"My concubine, I will follow your majesty's orders on this matter, please excuse me." Xiaoyu was naturally on Jun Luoxi's side, seeing Liu Yiru like this, she didn't give her a good face.

He should continue to be grounded. Letting her out is too intrusive. If it wasn't for her birthday approaching and her bad reputation, she would have to continue to be locked up.

Liu Yiru was also very annoyed that a little maid in charge didn't take her seriously, but she also knew who Xiao Yu belonged to, so naturally she didn't care about her.

"Don't, it just so happens that this concubine is also going to see His Majesty, why don't we go together?" Hmph, she canceled the account later, if she refuses to admit it, she will have nothing to do with her when the time comes.

This woman's ability to tell tales is so strong that even she is ashamed of herself.

As she said that, she stretched out her hand to grab Jun Luoxi, but in the next second, she easily avoided it.

One hand, inadvertently protecting the position of the lower abdomen, was so close, Liu Yiru saw her swollen belly, and her eyes were suddenly stunned.

No, how is it possible, she must have read it wrong!
Sensing Liu Yiru's gaze, Jun Luoxi folded her arms around her chest, deliberately covering her stomach. No matter how loose her clothes are now, she can still be seen faintly, especially since she is already thin.

"Don't want to go? It's not up to you!"

Liu Yiru's gaze sank, and she stretched out her hand again to grab Jun Luoxi, but a slender needle secretly pierced her lower abdomen.

court death!He actually wanted to move her Ni Lin!

A murderous intent flashed across Jun Luoxi's eyes, she spun around, and pinned Liu Yiru's hand behind her back, and the one with the needle hidden was twisted by her and pressed on her own stomach.

In the next second, Liu Yiru's face was pale, and she was in pain, painfully.

"The imperial concubine is really enthusiastic, but you don't have to worry about going to see His Majesty anymore. With so many eyes in the imperial garden, are you afraid that I will run away?"

Afterwards, she let go of her hand, approached her ear with a smile and whispered, "Don't be self-righteous, be careful playing with fire. Set yourself on fire!"


Jun Luoxi waved at the little fish carrying the flower basket as if nothing had happened, "Come on, let's go back to Qinghe Garden and wait for Your Majesty."

Knowing her strength, Xiaoyu is quite calm. These people forget about the pain when their scars are healed. Is she the kind who is easy to be bullied?

But looking at the situation today, it seems to be self-inflicted.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Liu Yiru gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with vicious eyes, Jun Luoxi, I am at odds with you!If I don't get rid of you, it's hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart.

"Sister Guifei, don't be angry, let's go and report to His Majesty." They never dared to look at these flowers.

It seems that once a concubine who was just conferred picked a flower in an attempt to attract His Majesty's attention, and was expelled from the palace the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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