Chapter 2454 Birthday Banquet
Liu Yiru's eyes were cold and her face was gloomy, "Don't say anything beforehand! His Majesty's birthday is coming soon, so it's not advisable to make trouble at this time, lest outsiders see the joke!"

She had heard that the monarch of Bai Ze Kingdom also came to celebrate his birthday in person, besides that, there were other descendants from other aristocratic families.

In addition, there are princes and princesses from other countries. If Yueling Country loses face, she will lose face as well.

In Xingmiao Continent, in addition to Baize Kingdom and Yueling Kingdom, there is also Hanlin Kingdom, where the three kingdoms stand together. Apart from the royal family, there are many aristocratic families and sects.

Xiaoqin nodded, "This servant understands this, but can you just let that woman be arrogant?" How majestic and noble her master was before.

Now a person of unknown origin wants to ride on their heads, it is simply unbearable!

"Of course not. If she did something wrong at the critical moment recently, with so many eyes watching, I don't believe that she can still be protected by His Majesty like this time."

She heard that, not only did Jun Luoxi not get blamed for the rose flowers in the imperial garden, but His Majesty even sent someone to pick the flowers for her. What an honor, they couldn't even touch them. Said to get a flower.

"I understand, my maidservant, take time to be safe, so as not to get angry." Xiaoqin comforted her while fanning her.

From this day onwards, everyone in the palace seemed to be busy. Every maid and guard was frightened, fearing that something might go wrong. Everyone was busy discussing Luo Yueling Qianshang's birthday.

As for Bai Ze Mingrui, he went into the palace to meet Yue Ling Qianshang the next day after sending the invitation.

As for what happened and what happened, no one knows, perhaps it was because the monarchs met each other.

Everyone was very nervous, and the concubines and ladies in the palace tried their best to dress up and think about what to wear at the banquet in order to attract His Majesty's favor. Opportunity.

In addition to the women in the palace, those dignitaries and dignitaries will also bring their own women who have not left the cabinet.

After all, this time, there are princes and other nobles who have been separated. They take this opportunity to get to know and find the person they like.

Everyone was looking forward to it, looking forward to it, but all this did not cause the slightest sense of tension to someone, and that was Jun Luoxi in Qinghe Garden.

These days, she still has a barbecue with the people here from time to time. Everyone feels that serving her is simply too leisurely. At this time in the past, they were so busy that they turned like a spinning top.

A few days later, Yueling Qianshang's birthday party began.

As the sun set, all the dignitaries and nobles who had received the invitations immediately brought their families and came to the palace. The banquet is only lively at night, not to mention that everyone is busy with their affairs during the day.

"Miss Jun, the banquet is about to start, let's go too, oh yes, this is the clothes Your Majesty ordered the tailor in the palace to make for you." Xiao Yu led several court ladies, each carrying clothes and jewelry.

Jun Luoxi glanced at the clothes, frowned slightly, "I want to wear my own."

He also gave him a dress for the banquet?No, she is not used to it.

Xiaoyu paused, "It's fine." In fact, Yueling Qianshang had already guessed that she would refuse, and told them in advance not to force it.

"Miss Jun, let me comb your hair." Seeing that Jun Luoxi had changed into a clean and elegant dress, Xiaoyu volunteered to tie her hair, which was also done by her during this time.

"Okay" She doesn't have the patience herself, and she knows how to do simple hairstyles. Today's occasion is different, and being careful is also a respect for birthday stars.

(End of this chapter)

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