Chapter 2456 Love at first sight
That's the way to deter those ministers.

"Thank you, Your Majesty" everyone lost their breath, and they always answered this way every year, and they seemed to be used to it.

At this end, the women in the harem also came late, all dressed up in fancy dresses, and kept winking at Yueling Qianshang, but he ignored them all.

These people were dressed in colorful and green clothes, like flowers and butterflies, but the elegant Jun Luoxi became the most unique existence among the women in the audience. Liu Yiru couldn't help but secretly annoyed when she saw it.

This witch!Sure enough, there is a scheming.

"Your Majesty, the Lord of Baize Kingdom is here to congratulate you!" The master of ceremonies shouted from outside the door.

Yue Ling Qianshang narrowed his eyes slightly, "Tell me!" Although the other party is a monarch, when he comes to his palace, no matter how noble he is, he is only a guest, and he needs to follow the rules.


"The Lord of Baize Kingdom enters the palace" sounded with the master of ceremonies, a middle-aged man and a beautiful woman stepped into the palace, followed by two waiters, holding items in their hands, which seemed to be congratulatory gifts.

Bai Zemingrui came here with Bai Pingting. It was the first time everyone saw the former, but everyone present knew the other one more or less, so they felt annoyed and weird all of a sudden.

Jun Luoxi slightly curled the corners of her lips, this Bai Zemingrui is interesting, she clearly knows that her woman is the ex of the current protagonist, and she brought her to participate, did she come from Tsundere?

Regarding this, Yue Ling Qianshang didn't do anything unusual, and smiled politely at Bai Ze Mingrui, "Brother Bai Ze can come to my birthday, and it will make my Yue Ling Palace flourish."

"Where is it, brother Yue Ling's birthday, how can I not come here in person, it happens that my beloved concubine has not returned to her hometown for a long time, and now I just come to accompany her to have a look."

This place is indeed Bai Pingting's hometown. Without the support and development of Yueling Kingdom, her Bai family could have the current status. It's a pity that their Bai family doesn't know how to be grateful.

Which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted is interesting.

Still love my concubine?Knowing that Bai Pingting and Yueling Qianshang also had a relationship, and wishing her birthday, this is a slap in the face.

"Oh? If that's the case, brother Bai Ze is welcome to visit Yueling Country more often. The scenery here is quite unique." The implication is that you all come to our country to find people in Bai Ze Country.

In this position, who doesn't have a few catties, who can be trampled on at will.

"Please!" Yue Ling Qianshang made a motion to invite him to sit down. During the whole process, his eyes never fell on Bai Pingting, as if he regarded her as a stranger.

Bai Zemingrui narrowed his eyes, and followed the waiter to his place. Suddenly, when he saw something, his eyes lit up, and his eyes didn't blink for a moment.

Following his line of sight, Bai Pingting saw Jun Luoxi, and clenched her sleeves unconsciously!Damn woman, why is her ghost lingering, and why is she in this position, shouldn't she be in the harem?

"She is Jun Luoxi," Bai Zemingrui murmured, the words were indeed meant for her, Bai Pingting pretended to smile, and nodded.

"It's really beautiful!" The first time he saw Jun Luoxi, he was surprised at her beauty, which was even more charming than in the portrait. The portrait was a little less lively and lively, and the portrait was a dead thing. It is beautiful.

Being stared at by such eyes, Jun Luoxi was very dissatisfied, she turned her head slightly, her cold and disgusted eyes brushed against Bai Zemingrui, this salivating look gave her an urge to poach the other's eyes!
No wonder Fei Pang would do this sometimes, because after doing so, he would feel quite refreshed.

(End of this chapter)

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