Chapter 2466 Pretending to faint

Xiaoyu pondered for a moment, "Oh, by the way, before leaving, Your Majesty took a look at the princess, as if to see that you were not here, bad, it must be." Her expression suddenly became serious.

She knew the reason why Jun Luoxi left midway, but His Majesty didn't know, as a man, how could she waste a lot of time on these things, let alone her current situation.

It must have been calculated.

Jun Luoxi frowned instantly, "Which direction is he going, let's look for it." At the same time, he secretly released the Black Demon Fire and Fei Fei to search for it.

It's too weird, Bai Pingting is gone, and Bai Zemingrui sees her back, but he doesn't worry about his favorite concubine's whereabouts at all, it's too weird, it's very likely that he knows or instructed her to do something.

Beauty trap?Use this trick?
"It should be to find you, the princess, let's go, let's go to the resting palace to look for it." These positions are for banquets like today, for some female relatives to rest or change clothes.

Standing up, Jun Luoxi walked out, but when he got out of the seat, Bai Zemingrui came over with a glass of wine, "Princess, I apologize for the abrupt incident just now, and I would like to toast you."

"Mr. Bai Ze, don't worry about it, let's forget about the past." She gestured with her eyes, and Xiao Yu picked up the juice and put it in her hand.

The majestic Lord of the Baize Kingdom toasted, it would be bad if she didn't return, after all, her current status represented the Yueling Kingdom.

After drinking, Bai Zemingrui spoke again, picked up a flagon in his hand and poured wine, "Princess, can I be your friend?" He raised his glass to Jun Luoxi.

Meow, it's endless.

While depressed, Jun Luoxi felt even more wrong, he was delaying time!

Bite the bullet, she took the juice, "It's my princess' honor to be friends with Mr. Bai Ze!" But her tone seemed so impatient, if she was sensible, she should know what to do.

Who would have thought that Bai Zemingrui smiled lightly, "Eldest princess, widow."

"Xiaoyu, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable." Jun Luoxi rolled his eyes, his face turned pale, and he passed out leaning against Xiaoyu, and the corners of his lips buried in her arms slightly curved.

Xiaoyu immediately panicked and yelled, "Princess, what's wrong with you, princess? It's broken! Maybe it's because I'm exhausted today, Mr. Bai Ze, this servant will send the princess back to rest first."

Seeing this, Bai Zemingrui couldn't say anything, so he smiled awkwardly and said, "In that case, let's send the princess back to rest." Tired?She is a pharmacist, can she not know her own body?

However, at this time, Xiaoyu had already supported Jun Luoxi to leave the stage. As soon as the two of them left Bai Zemingrui's sight, they immediately went straight to the row of houses where the guests' female relatives rested.

"Princess, what should I do? I have a bad premonition." Xiaoyu is not stupid, just now Bai Zemingrui's deliberation has already made her suspicious.

Those who don't know the place of life well, are still in the home of his wife's ex-fiancé, and his woman disappeared, but he is not in a hurry at all, it is too abnormal, very abnormal.

"Don't panic, Brother Huang is so smart, he should be fine." The two had just walked out a few steps, when his bodyguard saw Jun Luoxi, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Princess, why are you here? Are you injured, where is Your Majesty?"

As soon as these words came out, Jun Luoxi's eyes sank, "What's the matter, where is my brother?"

The completely unclear conversation surprised both parties.

"what happened?!"

After Jun Luoxi's roar, the guard said, "Your Majesty just received the news that someone has arrested you, so he went immediately. As soon as the two of us walked into the garden, someone kidnapped a woman who looks very similar to you , His Majesty chased after him."

(End of this chapter)

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