Chapter 2468 Impatient

Strange, there is basically no antidote for that kind of medicine, could it be her?
It's bad, they didn't consider this matter when they designed it before, so where would she be now?
Seeing Bai Zemingrui's anxiety, Yue Ling Qianshang said generously, "Bai Guifei has never been to this palace before, I'm afraid she got lost, come here, and send the maids and guards to look for Bai Guifei."

As soon as he gave an order, many people gathered immediately, and everyone dispersed and began to search.

Bai Zemingrui glanced at a certain place in the dark, "Thank you, brother Yueling, for your interruption." Afterwards, he also pretended to start searching, but the route was where Bai Pingting was.

"I found it, I found Concubine Bai." Before he arrived, the voices of the maids sounded not far away. They were guarding the door of the room with strange expressions.

Jun Luoxi smirked, hehe, this medicine is really powerful, and it took less than a cup of tea for the medicine to take effect. Ha, there is no antidote, so I must be burning with lust now.

"Bai Guifei is inside? What's wrong with her?" She pretended to be puzzled, and her tone was very worried.

The maid saluted very respectfully, "It seems, it seems that she is drunk."

Bai Zemingrui looked coldly, "I made everyone laugh, I will take her back now." Since Yueling Qianshang appeared safe and sound, it proved that their plan had failed, and he didn't want to be ashamed.

"Indeed, it's getting late tonight. If Mr. Bai Ze doesn't mind, you can rest in this palace. I will send someone to clean up the room." Yue Ling Qianshang pretended to stay.

"No need," he said, and he opened the door. The moment he opened the door, Bai Pingting rushed out from inside, her movements were graceful, her eyes were like silk, and she threw herself into his arms, her small mouth raised.

"Your Majesty, you are here. I have been waiting for you for a long time." As she spoke, her palm began to move restlessly on Bai Zemingrui's chest, as if she didn't see the people around her.

Your Majesty?Does this mean he is regarded as Yueling Qianshang?shameless.

His face was cold and stern, "You're drunk!" As soon as Sen Leng's words came out, Bai Pingting's eyes cleared up a bit, and she saw the person in front of her clearly, she suddenly became excited, "Your Majesty."

However, unless it is a blend of yin and yang, there is no solution to top-level Meixiang. How can Bai Pingting, a girl, resist the power of this medicine?Her consciousness was quickly overwhelmed by the hot thoughts in her mind.

"Your Majesty, this concubine is not drunk, this concubine is not." He said boldly, winking like silk, and kept pulling at the belt around his waist, "Your Majesty, give it to me, give it to me" in a pleading voice.

The surrounding guards turned their eyes away, and the faces of the maids turned red.

Bai Zemingrui's face was livid, and he pinched Bai Pingting's arm with one hand, "You're drunk, go back with the widow." The appearance of his own woman is not embarrassing for people to see.

"Not drunk, my concubine is not drunk, Your Majesty" In the past, she had often felt this pain, and this feeling would only irritate her even more.

She squinted her eyes, completely unable to control herself, "Your Majesty." While speaking, she boldly stretched out one hand.

The two have been together for so many years, and they know best when each other is the most sensitive. No, it was pinched, and Bai Zemingrui's eyes darkened. At this time, unexpectedly.

"Ahem, now that Concubine Bai Gui has been found, and you are here, we can rest assured. Everyone else, please retreat. Let's go back to the main hall first."

Hey, I can't stand it anymore, let's start running away quickly.

When everyone left and only Bai Zemingrui and Bai Pingting were left, the door of that room was closed, and his people stood guard not far away, while Yueling Qianshang's guards stood further away.

This time, Bai Zemingrui was ashamed and humiliated, but he couldn't ignore Bai Pingting, after all, he couldn't find someone else to cure him.

(End of this chapter)

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