Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 2476 God's Realm Brilliant

Chapter 2476 God's Realm Brilliant
He has survived to this day by using a secret method, and now this face is the same as his, that is because this person was carefully selected by him.

The same is true for talent, but after all, whether it is the original body or not, even if it is fused with the soul, there are certain restrictions.

That is, once injured, it will heal slowly, but if it is practiced, it will be quite fast.

This is also why, he has improved so much in a short period of time. If he used his current strength to face Jun Luoxi who was in the forbidden area of ​​the underworld, he would win completely.

"Come on!" He was restless and focused on cultivation. He stood up, and when he heard the shout, An Yi walked in from outside the house.

"What are your orders, son?"

The last time they returned in a big defeat, they attracted the attention of those above them, but all of this was suppressed when Bai Yun appeared, who made him the heir of the Tiansheng Palace in the future.

Bai Yun glanced at An Yi coldly, "What's going on in God's Domain?"

It's been more than three months, and he has almost rested. Based on his understanding of Li Qianjue, it's time to find his place again.

"Reporting to Master, they have been looking for people. At the same time, Lingxian Academy has announced that it will stand in the united front with God's Domain. In addition, there are many independent families and mercenary groups joining God's Domain."

The reappearance of God's Domain today, coupled with Li Qianjue's extraordinary ability, has developed rapidly in a short period of time, which can be described as flourishing.

Given time, I'm afraid it will develop and be able to compete with their Tiansheng Palace and other first-class forces.

"Man, did you find it?"

In fact, he was also sending people to look out for Jun Luoxi's whereabouts, but the people from Shenyu were also looking for him, so he didn't make a big fuss, looking for someone, whoever couldn't find it, just someone looking for it.

An Yi's heart sank, the young master still can't forget that demon girl, damn it!


"How about the Nether Realm?" Could it be that he went back to the Nether Realm to heal his wounds?
"No, not even Biyun Continent has any signs of haunting, and my subordinates feel that she may have been."

Before he finished speaking, a fierce attack immediately lifted him into the air, and smashed him hard against the wall.

Bai Yun's face was expressionless, his eyes were stern, "Forgot what I said? Don't make up your own mind!" Guess, what he wants to hear is not speculation.

"Ahem, sir, please calm down, this subordinate will investigate now."

How could he forget that he was with his master? He was already different from before. He didn't trust himself, and he didn't feel sorry for him.

Desolate emotions flooded his heart, and An Yi was very confused. Is such a master really worthy of his allegiance?

Even if he flies to the flame to die for him, I'm afraid his brows won't frown.

Baiyun didn't know his emotions, and he didn't seem to care, "Go out, next time, I hope to hear the news I want."

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

Although God's Domain is alive and developing rapidly, there are also Xianyao people in this world, but because of what happened back then, everyone didn't like them, and God's Domain never offered an olive branch.

They can only act in silence, and they are very low-key. The matter of the hesitant spirit Gu was revealed by everyone, and the world also rejected them to a certain extent. The previous situation was in the cracks to survive.

Of course, this is only limited to the lineage of the Saintess, and those of the lineage of the Sons are very low-key, and those who live in seclusion do not seem to be affected.

At this time, an old man stopped on top of the Divine King Palace in the Divine Realm, and the surrounding guards saw it, but no one dared to stop him.

"Boy, are you at home, I have good news for you as a teacher" the white-browed old man shouted towards the closed hall.

The next second, the door of the main hall was opened, and Li Qianjue rushed out, "Master, is there any news about Xi'er?" The good news must be this.

Seeing his expectant eyes, the old man looked a little guilty, "No, it's another piece of good news."

(End of this chapter)

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