Chapter 2479 feels good
"Want to leave?" Come whenever you want, leave whenever you want, no matter what place he is here.

Almost without any consideration, Li Qianjue rushed over. He had an impression of this woman, she was her in his previous life, and he had hurt him a lot. She has been with Baiyun for a long time, so she must know a lot of news.

Seeing his move, Mo Ya'er didn't dare to confront him, and rushed out of the room, "Ah Jue, you can't do this to me!" shouted, and quickly ran out.

Jingyun and the others appeared and were about to chase after him, but Li Qianjue waved his hand, "No need, stay on guard, strangers approach here, shoot and kill!"


After leaving, Mo Ya'er gritted her teeth and glanced at the Palace of God Kings, and left angrily.

Jun Luoxi doesn't know that her man is being coveted, but even if she knows, she must be quite calm. At this time, she is choosing a place to stay. After all, living in the palace is not an option.

Now that Yueling Qianshang has named her the eldest princess, she should have a princess mansion, no, I'm here to find a suitable one.

"Princess, don't you like any of them?" Xiaoyu felt sorry for her big belly. Today they have seen two or three, but they are not very satisfied.

Jun Luoxi shook her head, "Let's take a look again." After all, she has to live in a place for a long time. If she wants to live in an uncomfortable place, it will be boring. Besides, it's not that she doesn't want to settle down, but the Princess's mansion. Choose whatever you want.

She doesn't think about herself, she also has to think about the face of Yueling Qianshang's royal family, after all, her current behavior will also affect him.

Originally, the royal courtyard, especially the princess mansion and the prince's mansion, were all deliberately built by relatives. Jun Luoxi felt that it was a bit of a waste of money, so he wanted to buy a ready-made one.

Originally, she didn't have the blood of the Yueling royal family, a princess with a foreign surname, she didn't want to be said to be arrogant.

"You two, there are still two houses in the direction of the south city. Do you want to go and have a look?" If it weren't for the fact that the commission they gave was not low, they would have felt that the other party was deliberately finding fault.

But for the sake of the high commission, just bear with it.

"Is there a structure diagram?" It's more intuitive to look at this, and go if you think it's suitable, so as not to waste time.

But Jun Luoxi just asked casually, in ancient times, such things probably didn't exist.

The boss who sold the house paused, "Structure drawing? Are you talking about the construction drawing of the house?"

"You could say the same."

"Coincidentally, one of them has it, and I'll show it to you." He said, he sent someone to find it, and while showing it to Jun Luoxi, he explained: "Look, it looks like this."

Xiaoyu was a little surprised, "There is such a thing, it's amazing." Generally, for safety, everyone invites someone to design the construction drawings, and then the drawings will be destroyed, and someone keeps them.

Hearing this, the boss smiled, "This girl doesn't know anything. The person who sold this house didn't even think about coming back to live, so he gave it all to us."

"Look and go" Jun Luoxi said at this time. The area is quite large and there are many houses. The most important thing is that there is a well water in the house, so you don't have to worry about domestic water. The most important point is that it is not far from the city center. of.

"Hey, good!" The boss smiled, and personally led the waiter to lead Jun Luoxi and Xiaoyu to look at the house.

When it stopped in front of it, Xiaoyu was taken aback, "Baifu?"

"Yeah, don't you two want to see it? Then let's see another house." If he is depressed and doesn't like it, then he really has no house in his hand, so it's hard to serve.

In fact, many people found out that it was a house in the White Mansion, and they all gave up. Firstly, the house was too big for most people to afford. Secondly, with the money to buy it, it would be better to build a house with a layout that they were satisfied with.

(End of this chapter)

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