Chapter 2484 Go Rest
"Holy beast?" There was actually a guardian monster, but they didn't get the news. Now, it's a bit tricky.

"Not only that, but also different fires!"

How can I ignore it, is it because it is darker?The Black Demon became upset, and deeply felt that he was ignored and displeased.

Jun Luoxi yawned, pulled out a chair to lean on, "Stop talking nonsense, start fighting, and go back to rest after beating." She was so sleepy that she exploded.

Fatty grinned, "Brothers, let's go!" However, only he and Xiao Hei, the others, hadn't made a move for a while, and they were about to participate when they saw Xiao Yu shaking his head.

With these few, it is enough to deal with this group of people, no, these people are not enough for their teeth.

Standing up, the gang of killers panicked. Things were beyond their expectations. There was such a powerful holy beast. It seemed that they wanted to complete the task today.

"Brother, what should I do?"

The leader watched his companions fall down one by one, turning into dust in the next second, and his heart was terrified.

Strange fire, there are rumors outside that this woman is a powerful alchemist, why did they forget to consider this.

"Withdraw, find a way to withdraw" Today's situation is quite unfavorable to them, staying can only be a fearless sacrifice.

A group of killers fled around like crazy, but when they rushed out, they were blocked by an invisible wall in mid-air. They were a little confused and rushed up again.

Jun Luoxi narrowed his eyes and yawned, "Don't struggle, this is a formation, you can't get out."

"What, the formation?" What she did just now was to activate the formation. When was it set up? Why didn't they find out?
Xiaoyu smiled, "The visitor is a guest, if you don't leave your life behind, our princess mansion will not obey." It's because of their disobedience, what is the matter with the princess mansion.

After her words fell, those guards came up, and the other party was scared to death at this moment, and was quickly dealt with.

Leaving one alive, the other party yelled, "Hmph, kill or cut as you please, don't even think about getting anything from me!" With a loud roar, he bit off his own tongue.

"Princess" was not in a hurry to stop them, and these subordinates were immediately depressed.

While biting off his tongue, the man also took poison.

Jun Luoxi walked over slowly, raised his hand, "Really, have you heard of Soul Search?"

Before he died, she could get the news she wanted.

"Liu Yiru, if it's really you" I said not to provoke her, but I didn't listen, this time, I annoyed her.

Xiao Yu frowned fiercely, "It's her, it's simply too presumptuous!" She was challenging His Majesty's bottom line.

"Okay, let's talk about this later, it's getting late, everyone go and have a rest." After working all day, everyone was tired.

Afraid that other people would not dare to rest, she added, "The power of this formation is still there, so there is no need to defend it tonight. The fat and fat ones just need to exercise when they are full, so it is good to have them here."

"This, isn't it good?" These guards suddenly felt that they were so useless, and they could not play a role at all if they stayed here.

"It's okay, it's okay, you all go." Fatty waved his hands proudly, everyone will be their own from now on, of course we must be considerate of each other.

The guards touched their heads, smiled and left, had a good rest. After dawn, they might have to deal with other things. Hey, why do they all have to seek death? Wouldn’t it be good to keep one’s place?

These people entered the princess mansion, but they didn't come out. The people waiting in the distance were puzzled, and they didn't hear the sound of fighting. It was weird, quite weird.

"Is there something wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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