Chapter 2486

"Liu Yiru, I'll give you one last chance. If you confess, you will be lenient and if you resist, you will be strict. If you tell the truth, I will spare your life."

If you don't know what's interesting, don't blame him for being ruthless.

Having said that, looking at Xiaoqin and the others, she knew that this matter must have been thoroughly investigated, and Xiaoqin and the others had probably already identified it.

No, she can't admit it, she is a noble concubine, her father has an extraordinary status in the court, she is not afraid!
"Your Majesty, my concubine doesn't understand what you're talking about. What mistake did Xiaoqin and the others make? Xiaoqin, tell me quickly. I couldn't see you last night. What did you do?"

There was alienation and coldness in her tone, and at the same time, there was another kind of chill. It was best for her to get rid of this matter with herself.

Hearing the sound, Xiaoqin raised her head and looked at her in disbelief. She didn't ask "mother" if they admitted it, so she wanted them to stop all these crimes?
She is really ruthless. She was used to sacrificing others before, but she never expected that the other party would choose to sacrifice herself. After all, she has been by her side since she was a child.

I don't ask her to treat her as her own sister, but she values ​​her life anyway, but in the end, she still expects too much.

Seeing Xiaoqin's eyes, Liu Yiru felt very bad, and continued to berate her coldly.

"Xiaoqin, tell the truth, what the hell are you doing? Tell this concubine!" She used you, completely ignoring herself.

Yueling Qianshang sneered, "Xiaoqin, there is an injustice and a debtor. I will only pursue the mastermind of this matter. If you have meritorious service in recommending it, I will spare your death! And you."

The maids flinched and looked at Xiaoqin. If she didn't start, they definitely wouldn't dare. They just have to lose their lives. Who knows if they can live.

Now that things have happened, Xiaoqin is also disheartened, "Back to the emperor, this servant is under the order of the mother to contact the head of the Liu family in an attempt to murder the eldest princess. These are tokens and letters."

Originally, she didn't want to keep this, but when she thought of so many companions who sacrificed before without any hesitation, she wanted to leave a retreat for herself, and now, she actually used it.

"Slaves are responsible for delivering the message." Trying to agree with the maids, this kind of thing cannot be done by one person.

"Xiaoqin, this concubine treats you well, how can you slander me like this!"

Liu Yiru looked betrayed, and knelt down as she spoke, trying to hug Yueling Qianshang's thigh.

But in the next second, he was held down by an old maid, "Your Majesty, now that things are up to now, there is still a possibility of persuasion if you admit your mistake."

Admit it, what's wrong with her, she just wants to get rid of her enemy?Is this also her fault?

"There is no concubine, this is slander, someone must have slandered, it is Jun Luoxi, it is her, it is she who wants to harm me! She."

Before he finished speaking, Yue Ling Qianshang couldn't bear it any longer, swung his sleeve fiercely, and Liu Yiru fell on a pillar not far away.

When it fell down, he vomited blood, and his face was painful and hideous.

"It's okay to be stubborn even now, as long as I understand it, come here and give me a glass of poisoned wine!" Give it to Bai Ling, it's all wasted.

At this time, Liu Yiru realized that he really wanted to kill himself, and he would do so, and immediately rolled and crawled, crying with snot running down his nose, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you can't do this to me, you can't."

"Impossible? You want to kill my family, so why don't I reward you?" Yue Ling Qianshang's expression was full of sarcasm.

"No, Your Majesty, the Liu family is loyal to you. The concubine, the concubine was confused for a while, it was them, these lowly maidservants who encouraged the concubine, your majesty, you have learned from it."

She can't die, can't.

Seeing her blaming herself for the crime, Xiaoqin and the maids laughed. This is their master, and she can sacrifice them without hesitation just for her own survival.

(End of this chapter)

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