Chapter 2494

The guard chased after him and covered Yueling Qianshang with an umbrella, but he pushed him away, "I want to get drenched in the rain."

These people followed him to build Yueling Kingdom little by little, but now, they died in their own hands.

He tried his best to avoid such a thing from happening, but in the end, he couldn't prevent it.

Irony?There must be, is it sad, maybe, if you choose to take this road, you are doomed to have blood on your hands, sometimes even the blood of people around you.

But if the Liu family hadn't been so ambitious, they wouldn't have come to where they are today.

What made him murderous was that they chose to betray. He couldn't put Yueling Nation and himself in danger because of compassion. Bai Ze Nation, Bai Ze Mingrui is so ruthless.

Yueling Qianshang walked step by step, disappeared into the rain curtain, and the people of the Liu family were also taken down. After the matter here was over, the rain stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and a little Star.

"Princess, the rain has stopped, stop making noise, it's time for you to rest." Xiaoyu looked at Jun Luoxi distressedly.

She leaned on the soft couch, staring at the rain outside the window in a daze, but didn't sleep.

She naturally also knew what Yueling Qianshang was going to do today, and the Liu family would disappear today.

And the forces in the imperial city will undergo a new change, someone will replace the Liu family's position, and after that, someone will develop, just like the waves behind push the waves ahead.

"Little fish, maybe I shouldn't stay here." Yueling Qianshang felt bad for killing those people, and she was the fuse of these things.

She doesn't belong to this world. Her arrival is likely to be a stone thrown into the calm lake water, causing ripples if it is light, and stormy waves if it is heavy.

Her appearance has changed the fate of some people, such as Liu Yiru's. At least, she will be brilliant for a while, so she won't die at such a young age.

"Princess, don't think too much about it. It's their own fault."

How many days have passed since Liu Yiru died, and the head of the Liu family refused to go to court because of illness.

Okay, everyone can understand the loss of his beloved daughter, but he absolutely shouldn't, absolutely shouldn't have joined forces with Bai Zemingrui's eyeliner in the imperial city to take risks. No one can bear such behavior.

Jun Luoxi narrowed his eyes, "Although the words are so, but..."

"It's nothing serious. After this incident, some people can stop and stop." Yueling Qianshang's voice sounded outside the house.

Xiaoyu was taken aback, and hurriedly opened the door. Jun Luoxi also stood up, only to find that he was soaked and seemed to have been standing for a while, and there was already a puddle of water at his feet.

"Brother, why are you drenched, come in quickly, Xiaoyu, and make some ginger soup." She frowned as she said.

The Black Demon Fire floated over at this time, circled around Yueling Qianshang, and instantly dried his wet clothes, "Little Emperor, is it fun to be in the rain?"

As a strange fire, what it dislikes the most is water that restrains it.

"It's not fun." Yue Ling Qianshang told the truth, he just couldn't think about it for a while, yes, he was depressed so he wanted to get in the rain.

"Ah Choo" said, he sneezed hard.

Jun Luoxi sighed helplessly, "Brother, why did you come here? What happened over there." She still couldn't help but want to ask.

"It's all taken care of. It's okay. I passed by here and came to see you. I'm afraid you'll think too much. Luo Xi, if you don't come, these things will happen sooner or later. Now it's just early."

Hearing this, Jun Luoxi felt even more guilty. He came here just to comfort her personally?This love is too heavy, she really doesn't know how to repay it.

"Brother, you are worrying too much. Is my mental quality so bad, little sister? I'm just feeling casually. Come on, take the elixir to dispel the cold once. I'm already such a grown-up person, and I'm going to be drenched in the rain like others."

(End of this chapter)

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