Chapter 2496 Breaking it down for you
"Is there, how is that so embarrassing."

Jun Luoxi rubbed her nose, she never thought of becoming a star, but in this situation, it seems that she accidentally became someone's idol?

Doesn't she have the potential to be a star?

Xiaoyu rolled his eyes, "What's so embarrassing, by the way, princess, why do you know so many things, why do you want to open a restaurant, and where did you learn these weird delicacies? "

The first to fourth floors have different consumption standards. The first floor is for the common people. Ordinary people can also enter this luxurious restaurant to eat. This has never been done before.

And bear the brunt, the price is affordable, and the service attitude of the waiters, there is nothing to say.

"I can't remember, but I was there before, and there were many restaurants."

Not only restaurants, but also organizations, but this is her privacy, so I can't say it.

Yue Ling Qianshang raised his eyebrows, "So my sister used to be a local tyrant?" That's right, he also learned a lot of new words.

"Not only that, I'm still the richest man in my hometown."

In Biyun Continent, she is probably the richest person, and in Nether Realm, she is still the queen, she didn't say it.

The entire underworld is hers, can't you be proud?It's almost heaven, okay?

Hearing how arrogant she was, Yue Ling Qianshang laughed, "Then when will I take brother to your hometown, I'm curious." He has never been out of Xingbiao Continent, and after seeing her, he suddenly wanted to Go and see around the world.

When he said this, Xiaoyu immediately became nervous, "No, Your Majesty, Yueling Kingdom cannot live without you."

If he went to play, then it's okay, who will be responsible for the affairs of the court?

"I'm just going to have fun, making it look like I've left Yueling Kingdom alone. Also, you're getting smaller and smaller, be careful and I'll punish you!"

Well, he is so easy to talk, the former subordinates dared to hate him.

Xiaoyu stuck out her tongue, "Your Majesty, you can't control me now, now Xiaoyu belongs to the princess."

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't dare to ask for it." Jun Luoxi's expression of "Don't hurt me, I am timid" made Yueling Qianshang laugh out loud.

"Princess, I have made a decision. I will go with you in the future. Wherever you go, I will go with you."

Xiaoyu pouted, gritted her teeth, and made up her mind that she knew very well that at some point in the future, Jun Luoxi would leave Xingbiao Continent.

When she said that, the smile on Yueling Qianshang's face suddenly disappeared a little bit, and Jun Luoxi raised his eyebrows, "This is impossible, you have to go, isn't my brother's personal bodyguard going to die alone, you have the heart ?"

Xiao Yu's face suddenly turned red, "Princess, what nonsense are you talking about, it's none of my business if he lives alone, I"

When he was talking, the guard just came in with the food, his expression was tangled and uneasy.

"I won't tell you anymore!" She said, blushing and ran out.

The guard was stunned for a moment.

Jun Luoxi reminded, "What are you doing in a daze, if you don't chase after me, this princess will tell you all about it."

"Go, if you can't take it, don't say it's mine in the future," Yue Ling Qianshang also added.

The guard chased after him belatedly, only to realize that he was still holding the food in his hand, put it down immediately, and ran out again, man, he will become stupid when it comes to this kind of thing.

"Luo Xi, are you trying to abduct all my people?"

"It depends on how strong your guard is. If he is not capable, I will abduct him." There are still many single subordinates on her side, which makes her worry.

If they knew that Jun Luoxi was worrying about their life-long affairs across the mainland, would they be moved to tears?
"The people I personally bring out will definitely be awesome!" This is a must, otherwise they wouldn't be his close subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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