Chapter 2721

"Brother, I'm so tired, let's sit down and rest for a while." Xiyue's face was blushing, and her forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. The setting sun made her little face look like the scorching sun.

Yu Chen pursed his lips and nodded, took out a handkerchief and wiped her face, "You're thirsty, drink some water, we'll find a carriage when we get to the town." For a three-year-old child, walking on foot is still Too much effort.

"Brother, you are so kind!" Xiyue smiled with eyebrows crooked, it was her brother who cared for her and knew that he loved her.

"Brother, my feet are so sore." She beat her calf. These days she was sleeping in the wild, and then she was on her way, not with her parents, and she was still such a small child. One can imagine how sad it is.

Hearing this, Yu Chen stretched out his hand to gently pinch her calf without saying a word, "how is it, is it better?"

"It's much better, thank you brother." Xiyue's eyes were full of tears, she was touched, a little girl, it's normal to be emotional.

Suddenly, Yu Chen's brows furrowed fiercely, and in an instant, several people surrounded them, with malicious smiles on their faces, "Oh, what a beautiful pair of babies."

"Isn't that right? Look at the eyebrows and eyes, they are so handsome. When they grow up, they will definitely look handsome as men and as beautiful as women, tsk tsk," commented another person, his eyes shining brightly.

The two inherited the advantages of Jun Luoxi and Li Qianjue, and they looked good since they were young, as if they walked out of a painting.

Xiyue flashed a pair of big eyes, "Uncle, you have really good eyesight. I have never seen a child who looks better than me and my brother since I was a child. By the way, what are you doing?"

"Little cutie, you must have lost your way. Did you get lost with your lord? May I take you to find your father and mother?" One of them said with a pretended kind expression.

When it came to finding her mother, Xiyue lost her guard all of a sudden, "Is what you said true? Do you know how to find my mother?"

Hearing this, the group of people became excited immediately, and the person who spoke was nodding: "Really, you should go with the uncle. The uncle has seen a beautiful woman and is anxiously looking for her child."

Yuchen stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiyue's hand, "Oh yeah, what kind of clothes is she wearing, and where did you see her? Who is more similar to us brother and sister?"

A series of words made this person unable to answer. Xiyue immediately realized that she had been deceived, and her face changed immediately, "You lied to me, you have never seen my mother! Damn it!"

After being exposed, this group of people stopped pretending, "So what if they lied to you, if you are sensible, just stand still and go with the uncle, and the uncle will take you to eat delicious food and drink spicy food."

As he said that, he slowly narrowed the circle and came towards the two of them.

Xiyue gritted her teeth and clenched her small hands into fists, "Brother, they are the bad guys that mother said, right? The kind that kidnap children."

Yu Chen nodded, "Yeah..." he is not like his sister, who talks a lot, more often he is calm and quiet, very sensible, and now he is terribly calm.

"Then it doesn't matter if we kill them, they are bad people anyway, brother, let's eliminate harm for the people, shall we?"

The soft and cute appearance, but the ruthless words that came out made them stunned, feeling very uncomfortable, thinking that they must be children raised by a family with a small capital, and they are very dandy.

"it is good."

Hearing her brother's promise, Xiyue clapped her palm, and a long sword appeared in her hand. The sharp edge flashed with her figure, and a person shrieked and squeezed her hands, with a painful expression on her face.

"Aww, my hand, my hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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