Chapter 2744 This Feeling Again
Jun Luoxi has already broken into the enemy for her two children, oh no, they have nothing to do with the internal affairs of God's Domain, and they have only dealt with the general affairs at Tiansheng Palace.

Let Jingfeng and the others watch the rest for a period of time. The remaining people in Tiansheng Palace should keep those who should be kept, and those who are not suitable will not be kept for the New Year.

"My lord, mistress, leave this place to us, and you will definitely not be disappointed."

In front of the rebuilt gate of Tiansheng Palace, Jingfeng, Jingyun, and Lan Yu were waiting. Besides them, there were Yueyu Luotian and Liu Mengdie.

"Yeah, Sister Luo Xi, you just go ahead and get busy, we can do it here." After experiencing these things, they have also grown a lot.

Jun Luoxi nodded, "Be careful in everything, just tell Jingfeng and the others if you need anything."

"Well, sister Luoxi, take care!"

Afterwards, Li Qianjue and Feng Qingyue walked down the mountain slowly. Although the buildings of Tiansheng Palace were damaged a lot, the scenery was not affected.

"Xi'er, where are we going next, Xiyue and Yuchen should not be waiting for us in the Xianyao tribe."

From her mouth, let him understand that his two children are not the masters of peace, and they will not do things like obediently waiting in place.

"Let's go to Lingxian Academy first. If they didn't go to God's Domain, they should go to this place." And a voice in her heart told her to go there.

She thought it might be a connection between relatives, maybe the children were there.

"Okay, let's go to Lingxian Academy." He really couldn't wait to meet his son and daughter.

For more than three years, I didn't expect Jun Luoxi to bring him a really big surprise, it was so exciting that I couldn't sleep.

Like people in love, the two held hands and walked down step by step. Suddenly, Jun Luoxi stopped and looked back sharply.

A sharp attack came out of her hand and slammed hard not far away, and she rushed over in the next second.

What the dagger hit was the trunk of a tree, which was still shaking in the wind. There were slight traces of being stepped on the grass, but there was no one around.

"Xi'er, there's no one around here." The first time she rushed out, Li Qianjue had already climbed the tree and stood on a high place, but she didn't see any suspicious people leaving from here.

Jun Luoxi frowned fiercely, put away the dagger, "No, my feeling is right, someone is following us!"

It's just that it's really strange that someone can disappear so quickly without leaving any traces. Could it be that the other party is very familiar with the environment here.

Li Qianjue frowned slightly, "You say so, I seem to have the same feeling." It seemed to be there, but it disappeared after careful capture, which was very strange.

"Who the hell is following us?" Jun Luoxi felt a little annoyed, this feeling of not being able to figure out the enemy's situation was too bad.

"You'll know after a little attention, don't worry." A dark light flickered across his eyes, and the killing intent was restrained, but there was a storm-like chill.

Now, the enemy is in the dark and they are in the light, so they can't find it at all. They can only wait for the other party to show their flaws.

Jun Luoxi pursed her lips, and looked away from the surroundings, "Let's go first." I don't know what the other party wants to do, so I can only wait until he can't hold it anymore.

It's just that her spiritual consciousness is already strong enough, so it's really weird why she can't detect someone approaching her.

After the two left, not far from the tree, a man in a panic crawled out of the grass.

(End of this chapter)

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