Chapter 2756 Family
At the same time, it is necessary to invite the medicine god of the pharmacists' union to come here. If she forced out her heart and soul, she would definitely be severely injured and unable to refine medicine. As for blood, it is natural that the fresher the better, it is not suitable to wait.

"Father, Luoxi, have you found your father?" Jun Moyan naturally called her the same name. Yun Qing was his adoptive mother, and her husband was naturally his adoptive father.

Hearing this, Jun Luoxi curled his lips into a smile, "Yes, I found it. If he finds out that he has another young son, he will definitely be happier. Of course, he will be happier when his mother gets better."

"Little son? Mother still has a child?" No way, he had to call him "big brother" before, who, why didn't he remember what his mother said.

Thinking of Yueling Qianshang, Jun Luoxi said softly: "He should come with him too, and you will know when the time comes."

Only Li Qianjue didn't know what to say in his heart at this moment, his wife had an extra brother-in-law for no reason, well, he endured it, and now another younger brother came, he didn't know what to say.

Why does she have to be surrounded by these excellent men? Fortunately, he booked them in advance, otherwise there would be no place to cry when he regretted it.

Maybe it was because of the resentment in his eyes, Jun Moyan smiled suddenly, "So Luo Xi, am I just my brother's brother-in-law?"

Jun Luoxi was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded with a smile, "It's indeed my brother-in-law, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Xi'er" still has the heart to make fun of him, too bad.

"Luo Xi, it's a little cold here, why don't we go out and talk?" He was used to it, but she was wearing very thin clothes, it wouldn't be good if she caught a cold.

Li Qianjue stretched out his big hand and held her in his arms, "It will keep you warm."

Jun Luoxi has a black line, "The passage is very small, we can't get out like this." I really can't understand why she is so cool and jealous. She and Jun Moyan have always been the way of getting along with a big sister and a little brother OK.

After finishing speaking, a cloak was put on his body, and Li Qianjue's eyes were tender and doting, "Okay, we can go now, mother-in-law, we will come and see her tomorrow."

Calling father-in-law is a natural thing, and it is the same now.

"Let's go, Mo Yan."

When she looked at him before, she felt distressed, but now that she thought of how much he had paid for her mother, she felt distressed and deeply guilty for Jun Moyan.

"Don't look at me with such eyes. I'm fine. I'm fine. It's better to find you now." He is so smart, how could he not feel the emotion in her eyes.

In fact, he doesn't regret it at all. If it wasn't for his mother's kindness in taking in and nurturing him, he probably wouldn't be where he is today. The contribution is due to both parties.

What's more, although his body wasted a lot, now he has a younger sister who is a superb alchemist, so he is afraid that he will not be able to take care of her. Now that he has several more family members, he believes that he will be very happy in the future.

After Jun Moyan said that, Jun Luoxi didn't know what to respond for a while.

"In short, my sister will protect you, we are a family."

It seems to feel pretty good to upgrade from friends to family members, Jun Moyan nodded, "Well, family."

The three of them turned around and went out from the passage. The corners of the lips of the person lying on the ice bed seemed to bend in an arc, as if he was very satisfied to see such a scene.

Suffering will always pass, and after the storm, there will be a rainbow. All perseverance and suffering are for the beauty of the final reunion.

Jun Moyan waited for this day, and Jun Luoxi's persistence was answered. Her search and her persistence finally found her mother. Although this is not very good, it is not worse, isn't it.

(End of this chapter)

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