Chapter 2764 It's All My Fault

"No? Then what's going on?" It's not his and Qing'er's child, why call her mother? Could it be her child with someone else? No, it's impossible, it's impossible!
Jun Moyan looked at Jun Lintian doubting himself, and when he started imagining, he couldn't help explaining, "I was adopted by my mother, didn't she tell you?"

When my mother went out for the last time, she said she was going to find him. Didn't the two of them meet him?

Hearing this, Jun Lintian thought for a while, "Yes, I remember she told me that she was going to give me a surprise, could it be you?"

Surprise, it's really a surprise for him to have an extra son for no reason.

"may be."

Jun Moyan himself was not sure, but it was a pleasant surprise to be called by his mother. His heart was sweet, and his mother loved him as much as her own child, so the sacrifices were worth it.

The corner of Jun Luoxi's mouth twitched, "So Dad, what happened to you back then, that you were delayed for so long?" If Mo Yan was five years old, they would still have met each other.

That is to say, when she was six or seven years old, her parents were still fine, and they met here in the Fairy Continent.

Thinking of the past, Jun Lintian sighed deeply, "Sigh, it's all my fault, it's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, Qing'er wouldn't be what she is now."

Afterwards, while holding Yun Qing's hand and sticking it to his face, as if he wanted to give her some warmth, he slowly recalled everything back then.

It turned out that the two of them hadn't been able to get in touch after they separated in the city of Biluo, and then Yunqing had some grievances with the royal family in the realm of Huangquan.

In order to avoid bringing danger to her family, she must not go back and go to the end.

In the process of finding her whereabouts, Jun Lintian got acquainted with the current owner of Wuyu Palace. It was normal at first, and we became friends, but he was so focused on his wife that he didn't notice her at all.

Later, the woman began to stir things up secretly, meddling in the affairs between them, but he was too nervous at the time, didn't realize the woman's scheming, and felt that his wife was thinking too much and didn't believe him.

It made Yun Qing sulk and leave him for a period of time. During this time, when she went to the realm of the underworld, she fell into the sea there, and then picked up Jun Lintian, who was raised in the Fairy Continent.

In Jun Lintian, he found his wife missing and searched everywhere. The woman in Wu Yu Palace pretended to help him, but in fact she was obstructing her.

In this way, a few years passed, and he came to the Fairy Continent under the persuasion of the other party. Unexpectedly, he found traces of Yun Qing here, and the two met again.

The woman originally wanted to bring Jun Lintian to the Fairy Continent. She had more opportunities, but she didn't expect to give them the chance to meet. She was so angry that she told Yun Qing about her conditions and was willing to do it. Small.

Of course Yun Qing didn't agree, and she refused ruthlessly, who knew that she felt hatred in her heart, and led the people from Wu Yu Palace to attack the two of them, and Jun Lintian also offended some people at that time.

In a big battle, both sides were injured and separated from each other. Unexpectedly, it has been more than ten years since he woke up from a deep sleep with serious injuries.

"It turns out that there are such twists and turns in it." Jun Luoxi said quietly, it was all caused by love, because love gave birth to hatred, which led to all these things happening.

So now she understands the reason why her father stared at the Wuyu Palace people at that time. They are indeed not good people, they are narrow-minded and jealous, and they have harmed many innocent people, so they should be killed.

(End of this chapter)

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