Chapter 2770 is a good boy

He couldn't find himself, and he had to rely on his daughter. In his heart, there was just a knot in his heart, and he couldn't get over it.

Jun Lintian's eyes lit up, and he asked her cautiously: "Then Qing'er, have you considered it?" Standing aside, he always felt that he was an outsider, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"I said to think about it, how can I think about it now?"

Yun Qing was still arrogant, her gaze fell on Jun Luoxi and the others tenderly. When she woke up, she saw not only her daughter and son, but also an older son. She was in a very good mood.

"Okay then." Jun Lintian also knew that he was a bit of an asshole, and that he was the culprit who caused the family to be separated for many years. He was already very satisfied to hear the relief in her tone.

He will spend the rest of his life treating his family and her well.

Li Qianjue saw that they were talking and laughing, but they didn't mention him, and the vinegar pot was knocked over.

"Xi'er, how could you forget me?" People say that a son forgets his mother when he has a wife, and he feels that after Luoxi has a mother and a father, he is no longer there.

Hearing the voice, Yun Qing looked over curiously, who is it that actually called her daughter with such familiar and intimate words.

Jun Luoxi came back to her senses, no, how could she forget about this guy.

"Xi'er, he is" such a handsome and handsome man, isn't it.

"He is Xi'er's husband." Jun Luoxi admitted generously, although he is not married, but he has children, isn't he her husband?

The word "husband" made the resentment in Li Qianjue's heart disappear immediately, "My son-in-law has met his mother-in-law."

After being stunned for a while, Yun Qing smiled and nodded, "My good boy, come here and let me have a look." In the ice room, the light was still a bit dim, and they were afraid that it would affect her eyes, so they didn't dare Make it too bright.

"That's right, he's a good child, as long as Xi'er likes it" I didn't expect, I didn't expect that it would be so long after she woke up, and the children had grown up and married.

Jun Lintian curled his lips, "Qing'er, we haven't tested it well yet." How can people who just meet each other be more important than him? When he realized this problem, he was very sad.

"Test? What test is not tested? Xi'er likes it. I agree, and your opinion is not important!" She has experienced it and knows whether the child is sincere or not to her daughter.

Hearing this, he was even more depressed, what does it mean that he doesn't care, he is the father-in-law, okay?

"Why don't you talk, do you have an opinion on me?"

Jun Lintian quickly shook his head, "No, no, no, no, no, no, Qing'er, you said it sourly, really, I was just talking casually just now."

As long as my wife is happy, I can do anything.

Li Qianjue raised his eyebrows. It seems that he made the right bet. It is true that the mother-in-law finds her son-in-law more pleasing to the eye. As long as the mother-in-law is settled, nothing else matters.

"It's good if you know, Xi'er, help me up." After lying down for too long, she felt that her whole body was numb, and she really wanted to move around.

Before it even started, the God of Medicine said, "Ahem, you'd better lie down and rest for a while, it will be better, forcibly exercising will only hurt your body."

"Um, who are you?" Subconsciously, she only paid attention to the important people to herself, and ignored everyone else.

Jun Luoxi explained, "Mother, senior is the medicine god of the pharmacists union, and the elixir that I made for you came from him."

"So it's senior, thank you." Yun Qing's eyes were full of respect, this is one of his benefactors.

(End of this chapter)

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