Chapter 2772

She stood up with a look of impatience, the spirit Gu was growing in her body, but she didn't see Li Qianabsolutely being tempted by herself, probably because the distance was too far, the spirit Gu couldn't work.

"Goddess, that's not right. You are looking for the King of God like this. What method and excuse do you use to get close to her? Now that woman Jun Luoxi is by his side, he won't see you."

After Ah Lu finished speaking, she was startled to realize that she had made a mistake, so she immediately fell silent.

Seeing that Qingshuang had calmed down and did not rush out, she continued: "Goddess, I think we should continue with what we are doing now, and wait for the God King to come back. By then, the spirit Gu will be mature."

After passing by the joy outside the courtyard, she was stunned, Ling Gu, if she heard correctly, it seems that someone said Ling Gu, it is that woman, is she also from the Xianyao tribe?
Driven by curiosity, Xiyue jumped onto a tree, then the top of the tree swayed into the yard, and landed lightly behind a small bamboo forest, not far from the gazebo.

"What you said makes sense, but the God King has also been hit by a spirit Gu. Logically speaking, it should have happened a long time ago. Why is there no movement at all?"

This is something Qingshuang can't understand. She misses him more and more, and she doesn't know if it's because of the spirit gu.

Ah Lu was also puzzled, "Maybe there is a difference between the child Gu and the mother Gu, Goddess, didn't you ask the Holy Maiden about the specific reflection of the heart-changing Gu?" Could it be that they were given fake spirit Gu.

"She said that the mother Gu is not very affected by the child Gu, but the person who masters the child Gu will definitely fall in love with the person who has the mother Gu in his body." She smiled coyly.

If Li Qian was as gentle and considerate as her, she would be satisfied in this life.

"Wow, she's actually a trick, this woman is really despicable!" Xiyue curled her lips and muttered in disgust.

Then when she realized something, she slapped herself on the forehead, "No, isn't that guy my father? Too bad, he's got a spirit Gu." This mind-changing Gu has the same effect as a love Gu.

After being infected by the voodoo, the spirit voodoo will affect the mood and fall in love with other women.

"Who is there!"

Xiyue moved too much, and when she touched the bamboo, she immediately attracted Qingshuang's attention.

"No, I was discovered, run away!"

Immediately, Xiyue stepped on a stone with her strength, climbed up the wall, and jumped out of the yard. The speed of climbing over the wall is simply amazing.

Qingshuang from the past saw her happily running away, she wanted to chase after her, but after thinking of something, she stopped.

"Goddess, who is it?" Who is so bold, dare to eavesdrop on what they said, it's broken, and someone overheard it, something bad happened, Ah Lu's face suddenly turned gray.

It is a serious crime to lay a gu on the god king, it is terrible.

Qingshuang's eyes darkened, "It's okay, let a stinky girl listen to it, even if she tells it, no one will believe her words, let people pay attention these days, if you place an order, do it quickly."

Although she felt that a little girl would not be able to achieve much success, in order to avoid complications, the obstacles that should be removed should not be lenient.

"Loser, I'll give orders now, servant girl." Ah Lu's eyes were gloomy. If Qingshuang suffers from disaster, as her personal maid, she will not be able to escape the responsibility, and she will die. There must be no mistakes in this matter.

Thinking that someone would chase her, Xiyue ran desperately, but found that no one was chasing her, so she stopped and pressed her knees with both hands, panting heavily.

"What a vicious woman, she's so vicious, she's still playing Gu, no, I have to discuss things with my brother."

(End of this chapter)

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