Chapter 2776 It's all done
They are the same kind of people, confident and unruly.

Fu Chou was stunned for a moment, Yu Chen was no longer in sight, he held the letter and came to the door, and found that he had already gone downstairs to the front yard, as if he was strolling in his own yard.

"Come here, pay attention to this child, don't hurt him."

Since the master is back, but he doesn't show up, could it be that there is some unavoidable reason?Now, I can only pay attention to this child and see if I can learn anything from him.

"Yes, this subordinate obeys." Someone responded and left.

Squeezing the letter, Fu Qiu left with one hand behind his back. The sooner the better, he needs to arrange for someone to deliver it right now. He seems to have heard that the King of God is still in the stronghold of Tiansheng Palace.

However, he knew that this was just a cover, and Li Qianjue was now at Lingxian Academy.

"Uncle Xiaodou, Xiyue wants to eat candied haws, can you buy them with me?"

Seeing that her brother hadn't come back, Xiyue was extremely anxious. All the ingredients needed had been prepared, and if he didn't show up again, he would be revealing himself.

Xiaodou thought for a while, "Why don't you just wait here, I'll buy it for you." The little boy went to the hut, and if he didn't see them when he came back, he thought they had left, and what to do when they got separated.

There are so many people here, it is better for them to stay where they are and wait, it is more appropriate for him to come to buy things.

"How embarrassing, Uncle Xiaodou, besides candied haws, I also want fried chestnuts with sugar, and fried almonds with passion fruit. Go back, I'm going to make pastries."

Give him a few more tasks to buy time, otherwise he will go to the latrine to find his brother, and if he is not there, wouldn't he be revealing himself?

Xiaodou nodded, "Okay, I see, you stand where you are and don't move around, remember, I'll be back soon, remember not to run around, you know?" go.

Xiyue waved at him and nodded obediently.

"Stand still and don't move around? I'm not a sculpture, I have to go find my brother." Dangerous things are done by her brother, and she is also very worried, okay, what if they don't believe it and arrest her brother.

As soon as he turned around, he almost bumped into another person.

"What did you ask me for? I'm already back." Yu Chen was helpless, he knew that his sister had such a temper, and if he waited a little longer, he would lose patience, so he rushed back as soon as he finished his work.

Seeing him, Xiyue was very excited, "How is brother, has the letter been delivered, do they believe what you said?" My brother didn't even take her there, which made people very depressed.

"Don't worry, it's all done." He never did anything he wasn't sure about.

"Ah, that's great, now my mother is prepared, and I will never give that old hag a chance, hehe, it's best to piss her off at that time!" The man who dared to miss her mother beat him to death.

Yu Chen shook his head helplessly, "By the way, why don't you see Uncle Xiaodou?"

Xiyue stuck out her tongue, "When you don't come back for a long time, I'm afraid he will get suspicious, so I asked him to buy something for me, let's wait, he will be back soon."


"Yue'er, our current situation is dependent on others, can you restrain yourself a little?" Spending too much money is not enough, no one's money comes from the wind.

"Oh, I don't have any other options. I'll just quietly put money in the uncle's purse later." They are not short of money, but in the current situation, they have to conform to the false identity they created just work.

Yu Chen was helpless, but also nodded dotingly, "This is not an example."

(End of this chapter)

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