Chapter 2785 A Tie
The empty spiritual power hit the ground one after another, and a deep pit was formed immediately. If it fell on the tree, the tree would either be broken directly in the middle, or a deep mark would be left behind.

Li Qianjue narrowed his eyes slightly, and his lips were tightly pursed as if holding a confident smile. The attack in his hand danced with his mind, as if he had reached the point where his spiritual power and body were united.

On the other hand, Yueling Qianshang is not bad either, he always maintains a faint smile, with fierce moves, he can counterattack while coping, and his momentum is not low.

As the Majesty of Yueling Kingdom and the king of a country, he is capable, otherwise he would not be able to lead such a large country at such a young age.

"Somewhat capable." Li Qianjue's expression was very serious. This person is much better than Bai Yun, and his talent is the same. If it wasn't for his weaker strength, he might not be able to beat him.

"You're pretty good too," Yue Ling Qianshang responded, both of them looked at each other with incomparable seriousness, which was the recognition and dignity of the opponent's ability.


They haven't decided the winner yet. In fact, the two of them were injured by Bai Yun before, mainly because Bai Yun used the spirit-absorbing technique to increase his strength too violently.

If not, with the two of them working together, Bai Yun's is no match at all.

Yueling Qianshang raised his eyebrows slightly, "Okay" continue, it's rare to have such a hearty fight, he doesn't want to let go of this opportunity.

He wants to see what is the difference in strength between the Faerie Continent and the Star Vapor Continent.

The two unconsciously increased their strength, and the sound of the battle became more intense. Some of the more fragile trees were directly razed to the ground, and in this place, the grass and trees flew everywhere.

Some people who heard the movement here subconsciously avoided it, for fear of harming Chi Yu. Although they were curious in their hearts, no one dared to watch the excitement.

Suddenly, after using their own moves, the two rushed towards each other at the same time, and the power condensed in their hands gathered in the palm of their hands.


The hands of the two met, and a violent force emanated from the position of the collision. They in mid-air were shocked by this force and retreated repeatedly, and subconsciously caressed their hearts.

Although they were not injured at this time, they were still surging with energy and blood. They all controlled their own strength, so that even if they hit each other, they would not cause too much internal injury.

"Continue?" Yue Ling Qianshang looked at Li Qianjue, they all kept their strength and didn't make a full move.

Li Qianjue shook his head, "No more fights, today is a draw, and we can fight anytime later when we have free time." To be honest, if he used his unique move, the opponent would not be his opponent at all.

But he has to consider Xi'er's feelings, and now Yueling Qianshang is their big brother no matter what, so the discussion is over, if he gets hurt, the loss outweighs the gain.

"Okay" In fact, he knew that if he continued to fight, he would definitely show his flaws. To be honest, compared with Li Qianjue, he was still a little bit behind, and his strength was far from him.

The reason may be that he is in charge of the entire Yueling Kingdom, unlike him, who has more time to cultivate.

God's Domain is just a force, unlike Yueling Kingdom, which has courtiers and also has to consider border defense and other things, so some people in the world who pursue strength are unwilling to be entangled by worldly affairs.

The two stopped and walked towards each other, almost without any hint, they clenched their fists and raised their hands at the same time, they were stunned for a moment and then bumped into each other.

"You brother, I admit it." Yue Ling Qianshang smiled lightly, regardless of whether the person in front of him was the one he was looking for, he believed that he was a friend and a family member.

(End of this chapter)

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