Chapter 2789 two into one
Li Qianjue's expression was thoughtful, "Is Yueling Qianjue?" It seemed that if he really shouted that, there was no sense of incoherence at all.

"Who took your name?" Jun Luoxi suddenly thought of a serious question. If it was like Jun Moyan, he already had a name, so the person who raised him added a surname.

"Father said, it's my mother." The reason why father chose to raise him was because his mother helped him and entrusted himself to him, so he swore to agree.

"Uh, then I think there is still a great possibility, or should I go to my elder brother to discuss this issue?"

In fact, she didn't think too much about it before, but after Li Qianjue mentioned it now, she felt that since Yueling Qianshang came back from Tiansheng Palace with them, she always looked at him thoughtfully .

She originally thought it was just that he might not give up completely and was hostile to Li Qianjue, but now that she thought about it, it was not the same thing at all.

"Xi'er, maybe the jade pendant just happened to be the same. The jade shop outside also makes the same jewelry, so let's not make a fuss." It's a pity, he couldn't even comfort himself by saying this.

Jun Luoxi patted him on the shoulder, "It's getting late, don't think about it so much, and decide what to do when I see my elder brother tomorrow." The matter of the Holy Palace was probably resolved this day, and there are more worrying things Come.

Li Qianjue turned his gaze and put his arms around her waist, "Xi'er is right, good nights are short, we should think about the present."

As the voice fell, the Ye Mingzhu in the house was covered with a black cloth. Before Jun Luoxi could react, she had already fallen on the thick boat, and at the same time a figure came over her.

"Absolutely, you, you really are." She was speechless, she still hadn't said anything to set him on fire, why did this happen, ah, she tried hard to reflect, and kept rolling her eyes in her heart.

Li Qianjue lowered his head, his warm breath hit her neck, "What am I really?"

"What a cow!" Simply, so outrageous.

"Niu is very honest, thank you Xi'er for complimenting me, I will be very gentle" as he said, he picked himself up quickly, and when Jun Luoxi saw this, he closed his eyes in shame.

After a while, the temperature in the room has risen to a certain level.

The imperfect moon outside the window was covered by clouds, as if it was a black veil that it pulled over to cover its own eyes.

Early the next morning, Jun Luoxi got up in a hurry, fearing that she would accidentally set someone on fire again, she looked in the mirror and opened the door only after she found that there was no flaw.

From a distance, I saw a figure walking around outside the courtyard, "Brother, you got up so early, what's the matter?"

Seeing that it was her, Yue Ling Qianshang froze for a moment, "Um, what about him?"

"Oh, it turns out that big brother didn't come looking for me, but let's talk now." It seems that he is also struggling with what happened yesterday, but Li Qianjue is only thinking about how to bully her, so he must not be troubled at all.

At this time, Jun Moyan came from the other end, and when he saw him, he was taken aback, "Um, big brother is here too."

"What do you mean? Didn't you two go out together?" Jun Luoxi looked puzzled.

Jun Moyan scratched his head embarrassingly, "I went out too late last night, and I was afraid of disturbing my brother's rest when I came back, so I stayed outside, and I plan to come back early this morning to have breakfast with you."

The expression on his face was very relaxed. Thinking about it, he had thought through a lot in the past day, which is a good sign.

(End of this chapter)

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