Chapter 2798 To Be Obsessed
Just as she was eating the second piece, she didn't catch it properly and dropped it. Li Qianjue quickly caught it, and finally he put it in his mouth, "That's right, it's quite sweet."

Then he looked at her with burning eyes.

As soon as Jun Luoxi saw his eyes, he knew what was going on with this guy, "I won't eat, go to bed!" She didn't even look at where this place was, she just ate some fruit, and she didn't discharge.

She didn't know that after giving birth to her child, she became more and more mature and attractive, and Li Qianjue was a carnivore, so how could she not salivate when she was so beautiful right in front of her eyes.

"Xi'er, lean against me to sleep softly." He took out a pillow and put it on his lap, motioning for someone to lean over. His eyes were innocent, as if they couldn't be more innocent.

Damn, if you believe me, you will be a ghost, no one knows what is going on in his heart.

"No, I'll be fine just by squinting for a while." Never, never give in, this is on the carriage, and there is a coachman outside, he is shameless, she wants more, she is emotional anytime, anywhere, is it human? .

Li Qianjue suddenly lowered his head, "Okay." The sense of loss emanating from his body made people feel inexplicably distressed. He was like a lovelorn who was severely rejected.

Jun Luoxi suddenly felt guilty. She seemed to refuse too directly, but in the carriage, he probably wouldn't dare to do anything. Think about it, she stretched out her hand and poked him.

But he remained motionless, "Xi'er, rest, I won't disturb you." Someone was expressionless, but there was a dark light in his eyes, but unfortunately, she didn't see it.

"Suddenly I feel that it's not easy to take a nap on it, let's talk?" She couldn't just say that she wanted to lean on him, okay, if she really said that, I'm afraid his fire would be ignited in an instant.

Li Qianjue raised his head, "What's the point of talking, why don't we do something meaningful?" After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and tugged Jun Luoxi, who fell into his arms unprepared.

"You!" When she leaned over, she immediately sensed the monster that was ready to attack. Her face turned red, but she didn't dare to say anything loudly, for fear that people outside would hear it.

Li Qianjue had a sly look on his face, and his hands began to wander around restlessly, "Don't worry, Xi'er, I've set up a soundproof formation, even if the sky falls outside, I won't be able to hear it from outside, let alone them. "

"Shameless! Can you see what occasion this is?" She gritted her teeth, stretched out her hand and pinched the flesh on his chest fiercely, trying to break free from his embrace, but was held tightly, unable to move.

As the carriage swayed, so did the figures of the two, the picture was simply not too beautiful.

Li Qianjue looked at her deeply, his eyes were full of love, "Xi'er, I only care about you, and no one will hear it, okay, okay?" He acted coquettishly, full of magnetic The sound of the voice makes people's ears pregnant.

A certain person seemed to be possessed, and nodded subconsciously, "Well," this guy, once he started, he couldn't stop.

With her approval, someone gently moved the hem of her skirt away to remove her own restraints. There was almost no extra hesitation, and the fit was so perfect that they fit together instantly.

Jun Luoxi blushed, squinted her eyes, and supported his shoulders with both hands, "I warn you, there will never be a next time!" Men are all creatures who want to make progress, so they should not be spoiled!

"Okay, Xi'er is what she is" In this case, no matter what the girl says, she must fully cooperate, otherwise she will be in trouble with herself. Li Qianjue obviously understands this truth very well.

(End of this chapter)

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