Chapter 2804 name problem
Everyone was surprised by the fact that Li Qianjue had two such older children, but Qingshuang, who had been thrown into prison, was gorgeously ignored by them.

At this time, inside the shrine.

"Grandpa Ge, so you already knew." Xiyue curled her lips, she dared to see through their hard-working performance, alas, how angry.

Yu Chen raised his eyebrows, he already felt that something was wrong, when Jingong Qingshuang sent people to assassinate them, they eliminated all the enemies, and they quickly revealed the matter of fainting afterwards.

If it wasn't for their acquiescence, how could they have made a move without being suspected? Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot. They thought they had done it perfectly, but they were still seen through.

Elder Qian Ge smiled awkwardly, "Actually, we only found out after the fact. Before we brought you into the palace, we didn't know."

Afterwards, he was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped, okay?

"Okay, mother, Yue'er misses you so much" After all, it is the child, who has become very dependent on Jun Luoxi at the moment, nestling in her arms and unable to come out, Yu Chen sat obediently by the side, while Li Qianjue , was ignored.

"Yue'er, come to Daddy's place." He really liked the feeling of being needed just now. His own daughter has grown up so much, but he has missed them for three years.

Xiyue glanced at him and shook her head, "I want mother, you take brother to you."

Seeing Yu Chen's cool little face, Li Qianjue held his forehead and hugged him, but he didn't dare. He was afraid that if he insisted on hugging her, he would get angry.

However, Yu Chen suddenly opened his hands and froze him in place, "Ah..."

"Reluctantly, let me give you a hug."

When he was a child, he could often be hugged by his uncle, but he never knew what it was like to be hugged and held high by his own father. Today, seeing his sister being protected, he felt a little envious.

Although these words are very attractive, why does he think this kid is so cute?

Li Qianjue immediately hugged him in his arms. This time, the next person was holding one, and the family of four had a perfect reunion.

"By the way, Daddy, we don't have an official name yet. Mother said I'll wait for you to pick it up." Xiyue blinked her eyes, looking at her father expectantly.

After thinking for a while, Li Qianjue gave Jun Luoxi a tender look. Did she even remember this? If she couldn't participate in the child's childhood, she could still give him a chance to name her.

"Then how about one with your mother's surname and one with my surname?" After the words were finished, a voice sounded from outside.

"That's great. I don't mind if both of them have the same surname as our Jun family."

Xiyue looked at the person who came, and blinked her innocent eyes, "Mother, who is this?" When she came in from outside the palace just now, she didn't pay much attention, all her energy was on her father and mother.

"My father" Jun Luoxi smiled all over his face, and when he looked at Yun Qing again, his eyes were full of respect, "Mother, you are here, why don't you rest for a while?"

After their careful care, Yun Qing's body is now in good condition, and her complexion has improved a lot. There is no problem at all when going out and walking around. As for other things, you have to take it slowly.

"Not tired, I want to see the children."

Xiyue, who was the first to react, jumped from Jun Luoxi's arms, "Ah, are you the beautiful grandmother that mother has been looking for, Yue'er has seen grandma before."

The mouth seemed to be smeared with honey, which suddenly made Yun Qing smile from ear to ear.

"Beautiful grandma, what about me, I am your grandfather" Jun Lintian, who was ignored, immediately found a sense of presence, like a child.

(End of this chapter)

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