Chapter 300
"Brother, can you listen to the master first?" Seeing her brother's appearance, Shasha couldn't help but roll her eyes. My brother is so impatient, I really don't know why the master would choose him.

Only then did Fu Qiu lower his head and fell silent. He would rather be the person who came to take risks than his own sister.

Jun Luoxi shook his head helplessly, this crazy sister-protecting demon simply didn't know what to say.

"I happen to have a folk prescription here. After people take it, the high fever will not go away, and blisters will appear all over the body. People who come into contact with it are easily affected. It gives people a feeling of a nasty disease, and ordinary alchemists can't cure it."

As she said that, Jun Luoxi took out a bottle. Well, this is something that she found very similar to modern rashes when she was practicing in the forest. It may not be useful to take detoxification pills for this thing, but it can counteract it. The medicine, she found it, and has it now.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try." In fact, Shasha also wants to leave here. She has endured this kind of life, but her revenge has not been avenged, so she can only choose to live by idling!Now that she has the opportunity to leave, of course she will not give up.

The three looked at each other and smiled, discussed for a while and then nodded. At this time, there were waves of tea cups falling to the ground in the room.

"Get out, you all get out, shameless hooligans! Stop dating me, borrowing money, there is no way, someone, kick me out!" Xiang Xiang was trembling all over, picked up the guqin in the house and threw it away.

When the servants saw him, they were nervous, so they immediately stopped him, and asked Jun Luoxi and others to leave with displeasure on their faces.

What kind of old man, who is in business, originally wanted to cheat for benefits, this is shameless!
"Xiangxiang, after all, we are from the same place, so you can just borrow some, and we will definitely return it to you when we turn over the book later." Jun Luoxi looked worried.

At this time, the nanny appeared and changed her face, "The borrowed money has been borrowed from our Chunhua Building, and we are pawnshops, come here, call out!"

In an instant, Jun Luoxi and the three of them greased the soles of their feet and ran extremely fast.

"Bah, I thought it was a rich man, but I didn't expect it to be a fat man with a swollen face. Xiangxiang, you should rest well, I won't let dubious people come to see you in the future." Very apologetic.

"That's good." Xiangxiang's face was also not good, she turned and closed the door, "I'm resting, the house will be cleaned up later." Then, she took the elixir that Jun Luoxi gave her, and lay down on the bed.

After leaving, Jun Luoxi, Fu Qiu and the others naturally went to the black market to buy people. This time, they gained a lot. There were a total of eight people. The young man was sallow and thin, but his eyes were very stubborn. Unwilling to succumb to fate.

After they settled down, the three disguised themselves and came to the back door of Chunhua Tower again. At this time, they saw many alchemists coming in and out, and the nun stood at the back door, extremely anxious.

"Master, you have to show Xiangxiang a good look, she is the baby of the old man, so nothing can happen." The money cow, she still expects to use her to make money.

The pharmacist known as the master shook his head, "It's not that we don't want to save it, but that Miss Xiangxiang has an infectious disease. I heard that she bought it. Maybe the disease has been buried long ago. Those who take care of her around have all taken care of her." When it comes to infection, you, please hire someone else.”

"Master, master, don't leave, you can take a look again." The nun watched the master leave without hesitation, feeling bitter in her heart.

"No, I can't affect other girls." She said, she went back quickly, and ordered someone to carry Xiangxiang out of the house and put it in the woodshed.

Jun Luoxi was very satisfied to see that things were going in the direction she expected.

(End of this chapter)

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