Chapter 3011 I was careless
"Don't pretend to be confused, tell me! Is there something about you and Ling'er that I don't know about? What did you do behind my back!" He kept doubting and questioning, more than once.

But this woman revealed half a word, her mouth was tight!
Given this opportunity for him today, he will definitely ask the question to the end. Although he has given up on this idea before, it is a question that has been lingering in his heart for many years.

Zhao Ya, who was shaken, was a little frightened, "Husband, let me go, you hurt me!"

Bai Fangding was stunned for a moment, and his strength slowed down a bit, "Tell me quickly, what did you do back then, Ling'er clearly agreed to face me together, but she changed her mind in just a few days, I knew it was your fault!"

At that time, they were ready to face all the pressure and difficulties, and they had agreed that Ling'er was not a person who broke her word, but why would she be so firm later on.

Because the woman in front of her had plotted against her, when Ling'er saw them hugging each other, the brilliance on the sheet made him unable to deny it.

Zhao Ya was dizzy from being shaken, but she seemed to be uncomfortable, she burst into tears, "Yes, it was me, I went to her afterwards, and begged her to leave you and return you to me."

"It really is you!" Bai Fangding gritted his teeth, his eyes widened, as if he wanted to eat people.

"So what if it's me, you are mine in the first place, we were childhood sweethearts and we have a marriage contract, why should you be snatched away, everyone knows that I will marry you when I grow up, what will I do if you don't marry me? "

If the two of them fail to get married, they will become the joke of many people!She doesn't allow this to happen.

Bai Fangding let go of her, expressionless, "You finally admitted it" But, it was too late, he couldn't hold back, he was tricked by her, and he didn't even have a chance to explain to Ling'er.

"It's been so many years, I didn't want to say it at first, but after thinking about it, I should tell you a fact." With tears in the corners of her eyes, Zhao Ya began to return to the topic.

"You still have?" How many things this woman has done with her back turned to herself.

"About Ling'er, husband, don't you want to know?" She deliberately aroused Bai Fangding's curiosity, and it was impossible for him not to care about the things about his beloved woman.

"Say, tell me what you have done, and we will talk straight to the point." The matter is a foregone conclusion, he can't kill his wife.

Zhao Ya pursed her lips, with three points of guilt and seven points of doubt on her face, "When Ling'er left, I invited her to dinner, but she vomited."

Bai Fangding waited for her to continue, but did not see the text, "What do you mean?"

"Husband and Ling'er already have a husband and wife relationship?" Zhao Ya was jealous, her first man was Bai Fangding, but his first woman was not herself.

This question, like a heavy hammer, hit Bai Fangding's heart, "Pit, spit, you... why didn't you tell me earlier!" Once again, he squeezed Zhao Ya's shoulder fiercely.

And she let him pinch, "Why should I tell you?" At that time, she wished that Ling'er would leave so that the two could continue to fulfill their marriage contract and get married. It was impossible for her to say such things.

Bai Fangding gritted his teeth angrily, "You ruthless woman! Plan on me."

Zhao Ya said generously, "I admit it, but I love you, so I don't allow any woman to take you away. After all these years, I have lived to understand, so it's okay to tell you."

Looking at Zhao Ya who is so reckless now, Bai Fangding was really helpless, he squeezed his eyes hard, with a look of depression and remorse.

(End of this chapter)

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