Chapter 3029 Nothing at all

"Oh, my sisters, where are you going? Shadow and I are ordinary friends. Good buddies, he doesn't have many friends. When we have free time, let's hang out together. Let's not talk about him. , today it is rare for us sisters to go shopping together, we must have enough fun!"

Jun Luoxi looked sideways, glanced at one place from the corner of the eye, shook his head helplessly, and pretended not to notice.


After going to the street, the two of them were like happy butterflies. They started to wander here and there. They were very high-profile. Many people saw them. They hadn't seen Jun Luoxi for a long time, and the common people still greeted her enthusiastically.

"Hey, I'm hungry, let's go eat something before continuing." Gan Lu looked up and looked at a restaurant not far away. The food in this restaurant is the most suitable for her. It seems that it was opened by Luo Xi before.

Just when she was about to move, Jun Luoxi grabbed her arm, "Look, there's a new store opened over there. I don't know if it's good or not. There are quite a lot of people. Let's go and have a look."

Black Demon Fire: "Open your eyes and tell nonsense, you can clearly know which side is more lively and popular by comparing them."

Jun Luoxi ignored the muttering Hei Mo Huo, and Gan Lu and the two had already entered the restaurant, which happened to be owned by the Bai family.

"Princess, Your Highness the Princess?" The attendant was shocked. It was rumored that Her Highness the Princess had a deep relationship with their eldest daughter and sister, and they often came to take care of business, which turned out to be true.

The diners in the store also saw it, and all of them became excited immediately, their eyes were filled with admiration and respect, and their eyes kept falling on Jun Luoxi.

Although she often goes out, there are so many people in the imperial city, not everyone has seen her and has close contact with her, so everyone is still proud to see her, let alone eat in the same restaurant.

Maybe, this is the so-called star effect.

"Come on, let's sit here."

Jun Luoxi chose private seats on purpose, so most people could see them.

Soon, the waiters brought out the exquisite food.

"Ahem, everyone, you don't have to be so restrained, just be normal." She smiled and looked at the people who stopped to look at her without eating.

"Princess please."

With her words, the tense atmosphere disappeared immediately, and everyone started to eat and discuss, talking about all the rumors before, and it was certain that the Bai family had been sheltered by her.

After all, in these years, no one has climbed onto her big tree, and now the rumors have been spread for so long, and no one has seen anyone suppress them, which is clearly the truth.

Knowing that Jun Luoxi came to eat at the restaurant, Bai Fangding and Zhao Ya were so excited, they sent someone to notify Bai Pingting, and then went to treat him in person.

"Luo, Miss Jun, you can patronize the small shop, it really makes the small shop flourish, how about it, the food is still suitable for your taste?"

Zhao Ya stood by Jun Luoxi's side, smiling kindly, as if she was familiar with her at a glance, her words were not loud, and the people around her didn't hear her, but the more she was like this, the more intriguing she was.

"It's okay." Jun Luoxi replied with a neutral answer, and there was no unnecessary expression on his face.

Sensing the subtle discussions of the people around her, Zhao Ya knew that her goal had already been achieved, and she didn't intend to stay too long.

"Uh, then please use it slowly, princess. If you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to give them your advice."

Everyone's discussion was very quiet. After all, the parties concerned are here, and it would be impolite to speak too loudly, and it would make people think they were too gossip.

Just when Zhao Ya lifted her footsteps, Jun Luoxi said coldly: "Wait a minute, lady boss."

"Princess, what else can I order?" She turned around, with a layer of cold sweat on her back for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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