Chapter 304 Stay Voluntary
Aunt Xue heard that the price of the store was okay, so she knew that the man in front of her sincerely wanted to buy this store, so she answered truthfully: "There are fifteen girls in the building, and the severance pay is only one thousand purple gold coins each.

You also know that in our line of work, when we reach our age, if we don’t find someone to rely on for the rest of our lives, I’m afraid it will be very hard in this life, and we don’t have any basic money, not even travel expenses to other places. "

Jun Luoxi thought for a moment and nodded, "Well, I'm fine, bring the land deed and sign the contract." Her straightforwardness made Aunt Xue stunned for a long time, and at the same time Fu Qiu and the others were also stunned.

"Master, why don't you keep lowering the price? Look, they can't continue to operate this store anymore." Fu Sha whispered to Jun Luoxi quietly. After spending so much money to buy the store, they still need to hire people and renovate the inside. Don't you need a sum of money for things?

"Okay, I'll go get the title deed right now, guest, you wait." Aunt Xue left quickly as if she was afraid that Jun Luoxi would repent, and quickly came over with a box, inside which was a neatly stacked title deed, and she unfolded it Give Jun Luoxi a look.

After a glance, it was all right, and Jun Luoxi handed out a card, "This is the card of Tianxia Bank, which contains 50 yuan, which is considered money for buying the store. As for the severance pay of the girls, you can come to me to collect it yourself." It's impossible if there are only a few people, and if she says too much, she will lose money.

"This is two hundred purple gold coins for this month," Jun Luoxi put a bag of money on the table and opened it.

"Auntie, are you really sure?" At this moment, the girls who came up with snacks and tea suddenly collapsed and were very unhappy.

Aunt Xue sighed, "Aunt Xue is getting old, although she can't bear to miss you, she can't drag you to spend time here with me, Liu Er, go and call all the girls over, and get the severance pay, you guys Just go home."

Liu'er put down the tea, exchanged glances with the girl opposite, and sighed softly. Soon, fifteen girls in vulgar or plain clothes came to the lobby, and their eyes were full of surprises, but even more of reluctance. .

"One thousand purple gold coins per person, come and get it." Jun Luoxi directly took out a box and motioned Fuman and the others to count the money. They knew that their master was rich, but they didn't expect to be so rich. Fuman and the others sighed in their hearts, and their eyes But without the color of greed.

Soon, everyone was holding a heavy bag of purple gold coins. They were in a daze, feeling sad for so many years, did they meet a savior now, so generous.

"The contract has been written, guest, please see if there is anything missing." Aunt Xue handed over a piece of paper they had drawn up for the contract, on which she had written her name and pressed her fingerprint.

"No." Jun Luoxi took it, quickly wrote his name and put it away.

"Oh, by the way, can I ask, what kind of business are you planning to buy this building?" Aunt Xue was also curious, why did such a rich person come to her seemingly desolate street to buy this house? .

The street next door is spacious and lively. If it wasn't for this, the number of people on their side would not gradually decrease.

"It's similar to Aunt Xue, but the girls in my store can choose to perform or not, and choose how to do it. We don't force the way of receiving guests. Oh, by the way, if you want to, you can stay. We sign an employee For the contract, you have to apply one month in advance."

As soon as Jun Luoxi's words came out, these girls were all surprised, and they couldn't speak confidently: "Is what you said true, and we don't need our contract of sale?"

(End of this chapter)

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