Chapter 3042 Take His Head
"Get out!" Yue Ling Qianshang shouted at the three people who were in a daze, and rushed forward himself.

Knowing that they would not stay, the few people let go of their feet and ran away with a bag of steamed buns and biscuits in their arms, without caring about fishing nets. As long as they could bring these things back, a few people would be saved from starvation.

They stood on the shore but did not leave, watching the battle in front of them nervously.

"This water monster has some skills!" It is so elusive, and with these tentacles, it is no wonder that everyone feels that it comes and goes without a trace, and they are quite afraid of it. There is a reason for this.

Yueling Qianshang's expression was solemn, "Don't be careless, first attract it out."

It's in the dark, they're in the light, and the odds are against them.


These people have fought with Yueling Qianshang countless times, and they have a good understanding. They grabbed the water monster's tentacles and kept attacking. Gradually, the water monster became angry.

With a coaxing sound, the crack in the ice surface was even bigger, and a guy with a strange appearance appeared.

The body surface is as smooth as a fish, it has countless tentacles, its body is fleshy, its head is like an enlarged melon with lantern-sized eyes on it, and some tentacles are covered with seaweed.

"Aw, ho!"

It suddenly opened its mouth wide, and spit out a piece of black water towards Yueling Qianshang and the others.


Yue Ling Qianshang raised his spiritual power to condense the defensive wall, blocking all the black ink-like things. A fish that turned upside down fell into the black liquid, and after tossing, it remained motionless.

Only then did he realize that this thing is very sticky, and if people get on it, it will be difficult to break free.

How many times have I made moves, and no one can escape from its hands. Seeing this, the octopus monster is even more angry, and all the tentacles behind it are raised at once, not to mention, and some weapons are still held. of.


Warcraft can also use weapons. This guy already has intelligence, and his thinking ability may be the same as that of humans!
Yueling Qianshang slightly raised his eyebrows, "It turned out to be an octopus monster."

"It turns out that they are human beings who don't know how to live or die. Hmph, this is my territory. You, you all get out, otherwise, otherwise I will be rude!"

Although he has learned human language, he does not speak often at first glance, and has a bit of a stutter.

"The Ice River Domain is the territory of my Yueling Kingdom. You are in it, how can you say it is your territory!" Yueling Qianshang's subordinates were still holding on to its tentacles.

The mouth of the octopus monster opened and closed, "Countryland, the dog emperor doesn't care. When I practice to transform into a human form, I will take his head!"

Being scolded by the monster as the dog emperor, Yue Ling Qianshang had a black line, "Take my head, you don't have the ability."

"Are you the dog emperor? It's just in time for you to come here on your own initiative."

Suddenly, the octopus monster's eyes were full of killing intent, and those tentacles fluttered and slashed at him, the speed was extremely fast, and the movements were very fierce.

There are more than 20 of them, but the tentacles of the octopus and monsters are more than these, and the two sides are evenly matched for a while.

It may be that the octopus was murderous towards them, but the octopus monster did not destroy the ice for a while. The battle was fierce, and countless attacks flew around.

"Father, these adults seem to be very powerful. I wonder if they can subdue this water monster."

If they can be subdued, then this water area will be safe, and they won't have nowhere to fish for food.

"Yes, I can. That lord is either rich or noble, and there is a righteousness between his brows. The evil cannot overcome the righteous, and he will win!" The old man's tone was very uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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