Chapter 3049 We Are Saved

"Wang Boen, good trick!"

He is the city lord of Ice River City.

Using this method, some people mistakenly think that there is a chance to get justice, and come to testify with criminal evidence, but they don't expect it to be a trap set by him. In this way, not only the evidence will be destroyed, but the thorn in the side can also be removed.

No wonder these people don't believe what he said, it's hateful, it's really hateful!
His subordinates remained silent. Many of the brothers who had been lurking here before had been exposed or found out. Wang Boen hadn't shown his feet in front of them, so they hadn't been able to do anything.

Now, I hope it can be cleaned up together.

Yueling Qianshang took a deep breath, "Go, arrest Wang Boen and Master Liu, tie them to the city wall, and save their lives. Make sure the people trust us."

Just a notice before chilled the hearts of the people, but now they don't do something practical, they probably won't believe it anymore.

"The subordinates will do it now." Several people led the order and went to arrest Wang Boen.

For the rest of the kneeling people, Yue Ling Qianshang didn't make a sound to let them go, and didn't dare to move.

"Go, explain and behave well, what have you done, tell me exactly what you have done, plead guilty, I may be able to give you a lighter punishment."

When they heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief, "Young one understands, I'll go right away, I'll go right away." They followed Wang Boen, more or less doing bad things.

Those who do bad things are all locked up in the big prison. They decide that they are dog legs, and they need to do some things.

Yue Ling Qianshang knew that the real culprits were the ones above, they were nothing but young people.


When Wang Boen and Master Liu were hanged on the city wall, everyone began to believe it. After learning the order not to take their lives for the time being, but to speak out their anger first, they rushed here one by one and began to vent their anger.

Wang Boen and the others were already in a mess after being locked up all night without a rest, but now that rotten vegetables and rotten eggs were thrown on them, they were even more beggars than beggars.

"Your Majesty said, if you actively report and find out the bad guys, you can return everyone a piece of pure land. This time, you will definitely not disappoint the big guys." The subordinates began to lobby the common people appropriately.

But everyone seems to be a little hesitant. They dare not do such a risky thing. Since ancient times, officials and officials have protected each other and their subordinates are incompetent, which will make people feel that the superiors are not strict.

It was Yueling Qianshang who lost face, would he stand by their side?

"Folks, go, it's really His Majesty who has come. Let's not hide it from you guys. The supplies that my fairy sent before were actually arranged by His Majesty. Your Majesty is benevolent and wise, and cares about everyone."

The person who arranged to deliver the supplies earlier to help everyone spoke up. As soon as they said it, everyone immediately understood that the reason why they said it now must be to find out the truth.

"If everyone is afraid, we can go together with you." This group of people is so strong that even Wang Boen dare not touch them easily. Suddenly, everyone feels that they have a backbone.

"Let's go, let's go to the City Lord's Mansion. If His Majesty is really there, this matter will not be false."

"But we haven't seen His Majesty, have you?"

"If you have seen the portrait, you will know it when you go and see it."

A group of people said, and walked towards the city lord's mansion.

At this time, the door of the city lord's mansion was wide open, and Yue Ling Qianshang set up a table to sit on, with several stacks of thick paper and countless pens, inks, papers and inkstones on both sides, and a man who looked like a gentleman.

A group of people came from a distance, and when they saw Yueling Qianshang, everyone was dumbfounded, which was very similar to the portraits that many of them had in their homes.

"It's really His Majesty, His Majesty came here in person, we are all saved!"

"Your Majesty, please make the decision for us."

"I beg Your Majesty to make the decision for the grassroots."

(End of this chapter)

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