Chapter 3059 Take a look, is he dead?

At this moment, the coachman clutched his wound and asked for help from the crowd, "Everyone, please do me a favor, please inform our lord and lady, hurry up and find the pharmacist!"

After finishing speaking, he also fainted appropriately.

There are still kind people, and after a while, someone came to inform them, Bai Fangding, Zhao Ya, and Bai Pingting came in a hurry.

Seeing this scene, the old lady was so frightened that she fainted, and after recovering, she hugged her son and kept crying, "God damn it, who is so vicious and hit my son so hard, son, you can see Do you know who it is?"

Bai Junting, who had been fed the elixir, opened his eyes with great effort, but he still seemed very weak, "It's mother, it's all right, don't ask, just pretend it never happened."

Huh?It's strange that almost died, and it's not allowed to be mentioned.

Such a contrast immediately attracted everyone's attention. Could it be that someone you know knows that you can't beat the opponent?
"No, how can I forget it, in Yueling Kingdom, who dares to commit murder in broad daylight, wouldn't this challenge the majesty of our majesty, son, tell me, mother is not afraid, and I will sue later."

You haven't said anything yet, how do you know that you must sue the Imperial Court?
"Jun Ting, what your mother said is right, who hurt you, you said, even if Dad risked his life, he will definitely seek justice for you and our Bai family, it's too deceitful! "

Bai Pingting's eyes flickered slightly, she hugged Ning Hong without saying a word, her face was full of distress and hesitation, she had nothing to do with Bai Ze Mingrui, now she wanted to be herself again, so naturally everyone wanted to feel sorry for her.

Bai Junting licked his dry lips, his eyes were three parts frightened and seven parts angry, "Suspected to be from the princess mansion" He didn't say it was Jun Luoxi, just suspicious.

This kind of half-truth, half-false, makes people fantasize even more.

"What, ouch, how could this happen? Our Bai family is sorry for her, so we can't be so ruthless. Mother, go find her to argue! Let's see if she dares to kill me, an old woman!"

Zhao Ya walked like flying, and ran directly to the eldest princess's mansion. Seeing this, the others immediately felt that there was something exciting to watch, so they also followed.

After what happened here, the news reached Jun Luoxi's ears immediately.

"Oh? It's so interesting." Jun Luoxi paused, carefully painting Xiyue's last fingernail.

"Mother, this cardamom is so pretty, next time I'm going to paint it purple, and I'll ask Aunt Ganlu to add some poison to it, and it will be used as a means of self-defense in the future, oh hehe."

Jun Luoxi has black lines all over his hair, "Purple, why don't you paint it in bright red, and make it public."

What I applied to her today is a kind of petal juice. Children are slow and like to play. As a mother, I also cooperate with this kind of parent-child game.

"You can consider it, hehehe, by the way, mother, it's so interesting outside, I want to go and see it too."

The people from the Bai family and the Hei family are really annoying. I don't know if my mother will let them stop completely this time, it seems that I have kept them for too long.

"Well, it is said that the person we injured, let's see if he is dead." Jun Luoxi raised his footsteps and walked out while talking.

"Can you make up the knife if you are not dead? If we say that we did it, then we must implement it. We will not take the blame." Xiyue bouncingly took Jun Luoxi's hand, but her words were old-fashioned.

Jun Luoxi replied: "It depends on the situation." Making up the knife also depends on whether the opportunity is right.

Luluo twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, as expected of being the daughter of a princess, she has an unusual temperament.

They never softened their hearts when dealing with enemies. Maybe they couldn't reach Jun Luoxi's height because their thinking couldn't keep up.

(End of this chapter)

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