Chapter 3069
Zhao Ya was slightly stunned, she was really looking for her, "You, what are you looking for me for?"

"Looking for you, of course, is to settle accounts. After I left, you sent so many people to chase and kill me, and my daughter almost couldn't see the world several times. It's ridiculous that I still lost in your hands."

Finding someone to settle accounts, but being killed instead, and buried in the walls of a dark room for decades, is ridiculous, she is really ridiculous.

"I'm naive, I don't want to believe the evidence I found, I believe your hypocritical face, I admit it!"

Skeleton Linger suddenly let go of Skull's palm after she finished speaking, and Zhao Ya backed away immediately when she saw this, she was still afraid of death.

Jun Luoxi came to the coffin, "Grandma, the truth has come to light, don't be too sad, mother is doing well now, I told you."

Yun Qing was spoiled by the Yun family as a princess since she was a child, and when she met her own father later on, she also loved her very much. Although she has suffered for many years, now she can see the sunshine through the clouds.

"Then I'm relieved, I can still know that you are well, I am already satisfied." The palm of the skeleton lightly placed Jun Luoxi's head, and gently stroked it a few times.

Can't see the expression clearly, but everyone can feel her kindness.

In the crowd, some people were inexplicably teary, and the family reunion, but in such a way, is really sad.

Bai Fangding looked at the skeleton Ling'er, her smiling face appeared in front of his eyes, he couldn't help calling her name, "Ling'er" that was his beloved woman.

As soon as she heard his voice, Ling'er's peaceful atmosphere changed suddenly, "Don't call me by my name!"

At the same time as the cold voice, the skeleton claws were thrown out, and a palm slapped on the floor, the floor sank directly, and Bai Fangding was so frightened that he fell directly to the ground.

Skeleton Linger recalled her palm and looked at him coldly, "I have said before that I will never have anything to do with you again, let me hear your name again, and I will cut off your tongue!"

Jun Luoxi's expression was very surprised. She thought her grandmother had a soft temper, but she didn't expect that she dared to love and hate. Once she was unfaithful, she would never use it for life.

Yes, this is what their family should have.

"Grandma Zu is mighty, Grandma Zu is domineering! Xiyue likes you" while talking, Xiyue ran to Jun Luoxi's side and looked at Ling'er adoringly, right, this is their grandmother.

Bai Fangding was extremely embarrassed, Linger, she was really cut off from herself.

"Ling'er, it's my fault, can you forgive me?" He didn't kill him, so he can't forgive him.

"Am I familiar with you?" Skull Ling'er didn't even bother to look in his direction.

Embarrassed, the atmosphere is extremely embarrassing.

"I said this old man, please don't pester our grandma anymore, even if you think she is a skeleton, I still don't like you." If you like this kind of person, you are delusional.

Xiyue's childish words made Skeleton Ling'er very happy.

"Grandma, that bad old woman, what do you want to do, a thousand cuts or ten thousand cuts, it's up to you." Jun Luoxi stood beside the coffin with Xiyue in his arms, and what he said was extremely vicious.

When Zhao Ya heard it, she retreated subconsciously, but it was all the crowd, and there were Jun Luoxi's people outside the crowd. She had nowhere to escape, and she was trembling with fear, not speaking.

Skeleton Ling'er glanced at her, "How about being buried alive? She built me ​​into the wall when I was still alive." It was also the obsession caused by this resentment that kept her from dissipating in this world.

"Okay, no problem." Jun Luoxi sneered.

After finishing speaking, someone immediately set up Zhao Ya, waiting for her next instructions at any time.

"No, you killed me, you killed me with one knife." Zhao Ya struggled, wanting to kill herself.

(End of this chapter)

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