Chapter 3105 Three Honest Men

"Wait, what about this? We seem to have broken something else." Jun Moyan honestly pointed to the water tower that kept spraying water, and even exploded right after he said yes.

Shui Qingqing flicked her long hair, "It's not easy. Luoxi said that if you damage other people's property, you have to pay for it. It's not easy for them. Let's just keep the money."

As he spoke, he took out a handful of gold coins from the ring and put them on the side, and at the same time engraved two characters on the floor, compensation.

"Hey, why did the water stop suddenly? It's all right, hey, there's a lot of water, is the water pipe leaking?" At this moment, the sound of the iron door being opened came from one side.

The three of them looked at each other and were about to jump down, but the sharp-eyed security guard still saw them.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Now, they can't jump down in front of their faces, it will scare them to death.

Yueling Qianshang rolled his eyes and smiled, "It's nothing, we, let's take a look at the scenery, just look at the scenery."

"Look at the scenery, here, the wind is so strong, oh, I see, you are dressed up like this, you are going to shoot cosplay, right, how dangerous it is here, hurry down!"

Although the water was clear and they wore ancient costumes and had long hair, the security guards didn't seem to be surprised.

Young people like this thing, but let alone, these cosplays are much better than the ones he has seen, but the place is not chosen well.

"What do you mean by dying in the exam?"

Yueling Qianshang covered Shuiqing's mouth, "Ahem, let's go now, right away."

Just as the three raised their feet, the voice of the security guard sounded again, "Wait, did you see someone destroying the water tower?"

Who, of course they did the damage, but I can't say it. If Luo Xi said it, if he deliberately damaged other people's property, he would be invited to drink tea, which is very troublesome.

"No, I don't know, we just arrived too," Jun Moyan said innocently, he doesn't look like a liar.

"Look, team leader, there are words here!" Another young security guard who was traveling with him called out to his companion.

Taking advantage of this time, the three of them just ran away, it is better to walk away, it is not very good to be asked questions.

In the end, when the three of them got dizzy and came down from the top floor, they were holding on to a railing at the door to breathe.

"My mother, the people here are so talented, what are you doing to build the house so high, it's impossible to climb to death."

They're still going down, if they go up, it's really terrible.

"Luoxi said that there are many people here and little land, and everyone is using the land resources rationally. Do you think it's like ours, a garden with a big piece of land?"

Yueling Qianshang kept fanning himself, the clothes seemed to be too thick, it was hot.

Jun Moyan suddenly raised his head with a strange expression, "Look, what is the person in that box doing so fast."

The sightseeing elevator stops and goes, going up and down, and the speed is so fast that you can get to the floor you want to go without climbing the stairs.

Suddenly, Shui Qing patted himself on the forehead, "I'm going, isn't this the elevator that Luo Xi mentioned, why did we forget, we actually climbed the stairs."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Yueling Qianshang and Jun Moyan patted him on the back angrily, thinking about it.

It's no problem for them to jump down [-] floors at once, but it's too difficult to walk down [-] floors like a normal person.

Shui Qingche had an aggrieved expression, "Why did you hit me, didn't you remember?"

"You're the first to think about it, if you don't hit who you're going to hit," think about it earlier, so they don't have to suffer like this, okay?


Absurd, they did it on purpose, for sure!
(End of this chapter)

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