Chapter 3109 Come out from the theater

"Bastard, our hotel is for regular business, not a place for you to do crooked ways! Security, drive them out!"

Outside the door, the three of them had black lines blowing in the cold wind, Yue Ling Qianshang looked sideways at the clear water, and sneered.

"How about it, won't it work to rely on appearance?" Confident, quite confident just now, I was embarrassed, okay?

Shui Qingche coughed, "Strange, is it because that man is jealous of our good looks? It must be so!"

I didn't even ask them to take pictures, hey, it's not that they borrowed money and didn't pay back, and why they insisted that their gold coins were fake.

"Come on, I always feel that their eyes are very strange, like we are some bad guys!"

However, the three of them couldn't figure out why those people wanted to drive them away, like hiding from the plague.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a mischievous eyebrow approached the three of them.

"Several, do you want to find a job? I can do it here. After the matter is completed, how about three or seven points?"

"Live, we didn't look for it, did you misunderstand?" Yue Ling Qianshang frowned fiercely.

The middle-aged man blinked his eyes, "You guys, I understand. Seeing that your clothes are all ready, [-]% is [-]%, you are [-]%, I only get [-]%, you are so good-looking, don't go to this kind of place, I will take you to a more upscale place, where you can make money while lying down."

Now, the water is clear and they understand that their feelings are being treated as cowherds, shit!
"Go away, I'll give you 1 minute!"

With a murderous look, the middle-aged man subconsciously sat on the ground, unable to utter a word, trembling uncontrollably as if someone was grabbing his neck.

Jun Moyan glared at the man angrily, "Don't leave yet!"

"Let's go, what are you yelling at, I'm afraid of being criticized for doing this, hum" the man scolded as he walked, running very fast.

After he left, the three of them looked at each other, and suddenly laughed hahaha, "You guys look like young men."

"It doesn't sound like you, it's half a catty, hmph" The three of them hooked their shoulders together, and the sky and the earth were big, and they couldn't find a place to live.

What happened to them on the other side was ridiculous, but on Jun Luoxi's side, they were very familiar with the road.

"Let's go, mother will take you to eat delicious food." Went to the pawnshop, exchanged some money with the things in the ring, Jun Luoxi took the cash and smiled with satisfaction.

In a restaurant, when I walked out after eating and drinking, I was surrounded by a group of people.

"Excuse me, miss, can you tell me what kind of TV series you are filming?"

"Did you just walk out of the set?"

Xiyue flashed a pair of confused eyes, "Mother, what is a film crew, filming a TV series, are you talking about us?"

Jun Luoxi pursed her lips and smiled, "No, you misunderstood, we dress up like this, it's just a hobby."

"Wow, hot mom, you have such a good figure, young lady, can I take a photo with you, where did you buy this dress, I want to buy a set too."

The most rare and valuable aspect of modern people is that they are easy to get along with and get in touch with, even if they strike up a conversation with strangers, there is no problem at all.

"It's okay to take pictures, but we are in a hurry to go home, sorry."

"It's okay, let's take a few pictures, the little cute baby is so cute, can you let auntie take a picture of you?"

It's not exaggeration, the main reason is that Jun Luoxi's appearance is too eye-catching, and he is wearing such eye-catching clothes.

The nearest place is the film and television city, so it will naturally make people feel that they have just stepped out of the film crew.

Because of her cultivation, it was difficult to be ignored among this group of ordinary people. The aura emanating from her made people want to get closer.

(End of this chapter)

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