Chapter 3115 I went to get married

It stands to reason that even in a foreign country, it is quite easy to know the news of the mercenary world, and there is no reason to know nothing.

This is their boss, but it actually gave them the feeling that she was blank for the past five years.

"I'm going to get married." The corner of Jun Luoxi's mouth twitched slightly. Apart from this reason, she didn't know what to say.

Li Yang, who was driving, saw Xiyue, who was similar to Jun Luoxi, belatedly, and slammed on the brakes.

"Marry, boss, you married an ordinary person, uh, then it's no wonder." The average rich man doesn't like this industry very much.

They also have mission entrustments, but they usually hide them for fear of being known.

"Well... my daughter, Xiyue" Jun Luoxi smiled softly, stroking her little head, with a look of kindness on her face, which made Ayang and Yang dumbfounded.

"How are you two uncles, you used to be mothers, oh no, are you Mommy's subordinates?"

Subordinate, uh, it's a bit weird that the little girl actually used this word.

"Miss, we are your mommy's colleagues, we used to work together" Children, it's better not to let her know something unnecessary.

Xiyue rolled her eyes, "You don't have to lie to me, I'm a kid, but I know it all, right Mummy."

Jun Luoxi nodded, "They used to be my confidantes, that is, capable generals."

"Understood, just like Uncle Jingfeng and Daddy, but mother, they are too weak, and the five together are no match for me."

They have no spiritual power, and their bodies are poor. I don't understand how they became mother's subordinates.

Ayang pointed to his nose, "We are weak, it's impossible! Miss, look at me, I have eight-pack abs!" Heh, being looked down upon by a little girl made me depressed.

As he spoke, he bulged out the muscles of his body. In fact, Ayang's fighting ability was outstanding, and his figure was quite agile.

Xiyue held her chin with one hand, "Look horizontally and vertically, Uncle, you are weak. If you don't believe me, I can put you on the ground with one finger."

"One finger, little lady, you are so cute." The boss's daughter is so cute that she can't be made to cry.

"Hmph, don't you believe me? Try it if you don't believe me."

As she spoke, she leaned forward, stretched out a finger to press A Yang's shoulder, and suddenly he felt his body sink, being pressed on the seat, unable to move.

He wanted to resist, but found that he didn't have the strength at all. He was sweating profusely, so he gave up.

"I, I admit defeat" Hell, how can it feel like facing an opponent who is several times stronger than him, this is impossible, no one can do it.

Li Jun restarted the accelerator, "Haha, your Uncle Ayang is worthless, haha" I didn't expect him to be quite good at coaxing children.

"Look, Mommy, I'm right, I haven't tried hard yet."

Sensing the inexplicable look in Ayang's eyes, Jun Luoxi smiled, "Xiyue is right, you guys are slacking off."

"Boss, it's not easy for us." The few of them, avoiding some things, kept a low profile.

"I know, I'll handle it."

At the same time, he secretly warned Xiyue not to use her abilities, the people here really couldn't bear her tormenting.

She stuck out her tongue, looking obedient and obedient.

It's all right now, the boss is back, I don't know if she will kill her back, faintly, there is a little expectation.

There was no words all the way, and the car was driving in the vast sea of ​​cars.

Jun Luoxi looked at the scenery passing by outside the window, the thoughts in his eyes were very thick, as if it was the ink that could not be melted.

Xiyue's eyeballs keep rolling, Jin Bai sounds like a man, and he doesn't know what's going on with his mother, it's a bit unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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