Chapter 3121 Must be Mother
Not long after, Li Jun's phone call came in, and he roared: "Boss, it's done, praise me quickly!"

Jun Luoxi on this end rubbed his ears with his eyes closed, "Okay, I've been here for a few days, I'll take you out for dinner, and the big ones come too." The old friends are here, and they should have a gathering.

"I'll be there in half an hour, boss, we'll pick you up."

When they heard the news that Jun Luoxi was still alive, they were the most excited. They all dropped the things in their hands, just to see her, because what she gave them was a new life, without her, they would not be what they are now.

"No, is the car ready? You decide the location. I'll take my daughter shopping." These days, I've been busy with some things, but I haven't been able to take Xiyue around.

She is extremely curious about this world. In the past, she would let her go out for a walk, but this is different. She is just a child over four years old. Let her get used to this world first.

"It's ready, all the documents are in the car, the keys are on the table, we'll be waiting for you, boss, hang up." After hanging up the line here, Jun Luoxi waved to Xiyue.

"Let's go, let's go for a drive."

Xiyue, who was playing a tablet game, raised her head, "Mother, are we leaving father and brother alone?"

"Wait a little longer, I'll be in touch right away, don't worry about them" It's not that she doesn't care about it, but because of their ability, they won't suffer a loss here.

The most important point is to let them discover the joys of this world by themselves. Isn't it good? Between husband and wife, occasionally a long distance is needed to make a small separation better than a newly married one.

What's more, she didn't want Li Qianjue to worry about her about some past events.

"Oh, okay, mother, can I bring the tablet, this thing is really fun." Xiyue looked at her eagerly. Parents in this world don't let their children play with too many electronic products.

"No problem, let's go." Jun Luoxi picked up the car keys and bag. Although there is a space ring, it cannot be used at will.

At this end, in a high-end villa complex where Li Qianjue and the others stayed, a car drove in, and his subordinates in black suits handed over the flash drive to the security guards in the courtyard.

Turning around, Bai Ye handed it over to him, "Master, all the news you asked to check is here, please take a look."

Put the USB flash drive into the computer, click on the file, and soon all kinds of information appear on it, as well as their avatars, which have been modernized.

"Huh?" Bai Ye looked puzzled, but didn't speak.

"Daddy, we have them too." Yu Chen was surprised, who took pictures of them, and even these things were done well.

At this time, Bai Ye coughed, "Originally, the master asked me to arrange a reasonable identity. Before it was made, the subordinates found the person you were looking for. I checked by the way and found that yours has already been made. See if you want to change it."

They also have people with this ability.

"No need, you go down, look for me if you need it." Li Qianjue's expression became much gentler. His women, as expected, have extraordinary skills, and they have dealt with the thorny issue of identity information so quickly.

Bai Ye nodded and was about to leave, but he stopped, "Master, I may need your help. Several of our factories have been destroyed, me."

"Yuchen, you go, just figure it out."

"Yes, Daddy." Yu Chen's eyes flashed, "Just tell me about this, let's find a place to talk." Daddy finally let him go to work, very good.

Bai Ye opened his mouth, and when he was about to ask if he was joking, he saw the sharp edge in Yu Chen's eyes, and immediately swallowed back what he wanted to say.

(End of this chapter)

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