Chapter 3137

Ye Yi's heart skipped a beat in the bathroom, that's right, he's seen the tricks of that woman before, the people in the box are innocent, maybe they're just ordinary people who come here to eat, they can't harm kind people because of his selfishness.

The bathroom door clicked open.

Jun Luoxi showed a faint smile, and glanced at Xiaoguang. He walked over in two or three steps, and kicked the door shut. What the boss dislikes the most is bullying others, and she is about to make a move.

Ye Yi in the room was already drunk, so he accidentally bumped into the door and passed out. There was no sound in the bathroom.

"You!" Gao Lijia trembled with anger when she saw this operation.

"Damn it, don't you want to live? Do you know what will happen if you offend me!" When she saw Jun Luoxi's appearance, she was so jealous that she wanted to go up and scratch her face.

The beauty she wanted had undergone countless surgeries to get what she is now, but this face, in front of the woman in front of her, was as dim as a stone, the kind that no one noticed.

Jun Luoxi sneered, crossing his arms around his chest, "Then do you know what will happen if you disturb my Yaxing?"

"If you want to fight, I will accompany you, go!"

"Hiss! Miss Gao!" The few people following her gasped, and they froze in place, unable to move.

At this time, Jun Luoxi was holding a fruit fork directly against Gao Lijia's neck, and the two were very close.

"Tsk tsk, let me fight, it's easy and not serious, are you sure you want to fight?"

Datou patted his own head, and turned to the bodyguards in suits beside her, "Didn't you hear what our boss said, you're going to play tricks, wait until the food below is cold."

Boss?Wow, I met someone on the road, this person looks like a big sister at first glance, oh no, the wives of some small bosses, don't mess with them, these people are desperadoes.

Thinking of this, Gao Lijia faltered, she swallowed, "I think maybe my people misunderstood, Ye Yi is not here."

"Miss Gao, I'm sorry, the person seems to have gone to the box next door, shall we go and have a look?"

Jun Luoxi knew that they were intimidated, and he didn't want to make a big fuss. The security guards and waiters outside were already holding walkie-talkies. If something went wrong, it would definitely make a big fuss.

"Oh, you have bad eyesight, so you can break into other people's boxes at will?"

Gao Lijia rolled her eyes, "Miss, I'm really sorry, as an apology, I bought your order, how about it? If you don't know each other, just treat it as a friend?"

Jun Luoxi put away the fork, and looked at the waiter outside with a smile on her face, "You all heard it, let her buy it."

"Yes, yes, yes, I will buy it, so I won't bother the diners." Gao Lijia, who had lost her grip, immediately exited the box. She didn't want to stay with the lunatic, so she thought she had lost her wallet today.

After the people left, Jun Luoxi sat down calmly, closed the door, and said, "Eat, eat." To them, it was as if nothing had happened, and the meal was over.

Someone in the bathroom was also completely forgotten.

"Boss, why are you still ringing the bell?" The big head was puzzled, he had finished eating, could it be that the boss was not full?They ordered enough for today.

"Someone pays the bill, read the menu, and order what you have. I think the red wine here is pretty good"

This person is a well-known starlet recently, and it seems that he was deliberately drunk to find an opportunity to sneak away.

"." Boss, she is going to cheat someone.

"What are you doing in a daze, someone treats you, if you don't eat for free, don't eat, if you can't eat, go around!" Xiyue reminded Datou and the others with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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