Chapter 3140 She, don't worry

"Boss, that's Zhao Meng and the others, is she really?" In the corner of the restaurant on the third floor, in front of the window, Jin Bai watched Jun Luoxi leave, while the man beside him had eyes full of shock.

"I don't know, it looks like it, but it doesn't look like it."

The former Luoxi had an outstanding appearance and an extraordinary temperament, but the one I saw today had a more aggressive posture, that defiant posture, as if she was a queen.

On her body, there was a breath of Luoxi, which was pitifully small.

But if she wasn't that person, how could she be with Zhao Meng and the others. Since they quit the mercenary world, they have not interacted with each other except for gatherings on holidays.

Today is not a special day, a few of them showed up together, and they were still with her, so he had to be puzzled.

The man looked at his boss's face, hesitated and said: "Boss, why don't I take someone to test it out, if it is, it will be resolved, and I won't bother you."

Except for Zhao Meng and the others, many members of the former mercenary group also quit directly, just because of her departure, and now that she has returned, it is for revenge.

Be sure to kill her before she makes a move, so they can be safe.

Jin Bai shook his head, "Don't worry about her. If it was her, we alone would not be able to deal with it. Besides, we have more important things to do right now."

When he has everything under control, so what if she comes back, if you are sensible, just obey me.

He doesn't know the fun, he doesn't mind killing her again, if he can kill her the first time, there will be a second time!
"What's going on with them, can we find out? Is Bai Ye still alive?"

"Boss, I'm still investigating. My subordinates heard that on the night of the birth, all the liquid funds available to the company disappeared. It's very possible, maybe."

Jin Bai narrowed his eyes, "He's still alive, find him as soon as possible!"

"Yes, boss."

By the window, the curtains fluttered, and the cold night wind kept pouring in, blowing out the cigarette between his fingers.

"Everything is mine!"

The same is true for the mercenary group, and the same is true for the consortium. As long as he has all these, the new emperor of the mercenary world will be him!

"Miss Gao, everything is done, but Ye Yi, I couldn't find it." The subordinates stood in front of Gao Lijia with their heads down, very helpless.

It's really strange, if those people hadn't taken away Ye Yi, wouldn't he have disappeared out of thin air?

Gao Lijia gritted her teeth, "It's okay, I can hide once, but I can't hide the second time, I have a lot of time to spend with him." There is no man she can't miss.

Stubborn, right? It's more interesting to conquer in this way. If he is smart enough, he will inevitably compromise.

With a cold smile, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a person coming out of the elevator, and her eyes lit up, "It's Jin Bai."

Immediately afterwards, she took out the small mirror, took a look at herself, and then walked towards Jin Bai with graceful steps, "Hello, Young Master Jin, I didn't expect to see you here, may I have the honor to buy you a drink?" ?”

Jin Bai looked at the woman with heavy makeup in front of him, and frowned fiercely, "You are."

"My name is Gao Lijia, and my father, Gao De, is one of the founders of the Mingye Foundation."

The Mingye Consortium is a celebrity company with countless assets. Jin Bai is the young master of the consortium, but after so many years, Bai Ye has not given up the position of chairman to him.

In fact, some large upper-class companies secretly also involve in some businesses that cannot be displayed on the surface. For example, Jin Bai manages the mercenary group, but on the surface he is the young master of the consortium and the CEO of the consortium.

"Oh, it turned out to be Miss Gao. It's a pleasure to meet you."

(End of this chapter)

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