Chapter 3161 Her husband, husband
Most of the people who come here to spend are upper-class people who can spend. Those girls who say these things are all rich and wealthy, so they naturally know Feng Ling.

Jun Luoxi didn't feel any surprise about this, not to mention Feng Ling's identity, just this face was enough to make those girls talk non-stop.

The expected refusal did not make Feng Ling flinch, but instead felt that Jun Luoxi was aloof.

"In that case, do you mind if I sit here and drink a glass of water?" The first time he met someone who made him curious, how could he shrink back at will.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded: "This is my position."

Jun Luoxi looked at Feng Ling's side, with a smile on his face, "You're here, why are you so slow?" There was a hint of coquettishness in his tone.

"The elevator is slow."

How can he be blamed, I don't know who designed this thing, it's too slow, let him fly on the spot, the speed is faster than this, let alone looking for a parking space for a long time when parking.

Seeing the two chatting, Feng Ling looked slightly embarrassed, "Miss Jun, is this your friend?"

The corners of Li Qianjue's lips curled up, and a slight smile lingered on his lips, "Xi'er, haven't you introduced yourself to your friend, I'm your husband."

"Husband?" This title sounds strange.

"I didn't have time to say, Boss Feng, this is my husband Li Qianjue." Jun Luoxi had already stood up, very generously.

Li Qianjue was quite satisfied with her answer, he didn't care about Feng Ling, just passed by him, and sat down opposite Jun Luoxi.

"Xi'er, I have a gift for you, see if you like it." After saying that, Li Qianjue took out a small box, and the necklace inside was immediately revealed.

They are old couples, Jun Luoxi is not surprised by this little surprise, but his heart is still warm, "I like everything you gave me."

The atmosphere here is so sweet, Feng Ling kind of turned into a light bulb that illuminates blind people, the corners of his mouth twitched before he made a sound.

"Then don't bother the two of you. If you have time, I hope we can sit together and have a cup of tea."

Li Qianjue didn't turn his head back, "Boss Feng, please walk slowly."

"." This man is too arrogant, but the aura on his body makes him feel terrible.

After Feng Ling left, many people started talking about Li Qianjue, and some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

He suddenly turned his head, his sharp eyes swept over those people's hands, "Delete it, don't make me say it again!"

Due to the fierce and terrifying aura on his body, those who like to take pictures almost couldn't hold their phones steady, but they quickly deleted the photos they just took and stopped looking at them.

People who don't even pay attention to Feng Shao may have a bigger background. They have a family background, but they are still not comparable to these top elites.

"Don't scare people, there is no loss if you take a picture." Jun Luoxi was very helpless.

"Noisy! Don't talk about them, Xi'er, what do you want to eat, what do you think?" The coldness just now was swept away, replaced by gentle pampering.

The two ordered something to eat, and the waiter left with their menus and drinks.

"Xi'er, who was that guy just now? Why did I hear you mention it?" A certain vinegar pot began to smell sour.

Jun Luoxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I even forgot about it myself, he, Feng Ling, when I first came here, I stayed in a hotel without an ID card, and it happened that he helped solve the problem."

"I'm not familiar with you."

"Today is the second time I've seen this guy." If you don't let him go, I don't know how far he will release his air-conditioning.

(End of this chapter)

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