Chapter 3165 The world is huge

Before Feng Ling could answer, Lin Sang interrupted her husband, "Don't talk nonsense, it's none of his business. I'm such an old man, how can I take medicine indiscriminately?"

"Then, what's the matter with that glass of water?" Doctor Wang has a good sense of smell and is very experienced. It is obvious that there is something wrong with the water.

Feng Ling scratched his head, "My friend poured it for me."

"Friend, what kind of friend, what's his name, where is he from?" Feng Yu was very nervous at the moment, catching information from Dr. Wang.

"Dad, you suspect that my friends are messing around. It's impossible. I have no hatred against them. Besides, my mother's situation at that time was thanks to her. Otherwise, I don't know what to do."

Time is life, if the best healing time is missed, who knows what will happen.

Lin Sang also echoed at this time, "Brother Feng, don't think about it, they are helping us, they haven't asked for any compensation, they are not bad people, I also want to find a time to treat them to dinner, thank them."

Even his own wife spoke like this, so Feng Yu didn't continue.

Soon, another door opened, and Dr. Wang came out holding two result sheets with a strange expression.

"Why, is there something wrong with that glass of water?" Feng Ling felt a little bit in his heart, thinking about the aspect he least wanted to think about.

Doctor Wang nodded.

Feng Yu's pupils opened slightly, "I want to call the police!" It's unforgivable for someone to be so bold as to drug someone from his Feng family!

"Call the police, why should I call the police?" Dr. Wang was a little confused, hesitating about the shock in his heart, and he couldn't turn his head right now.

"Why didn't you call the police? There is a problem with the water!" Feng Yu was very speechless, but he didn't take out the phone immediately. It seemed that his son knew him, so he shouldn't be too impulsive.

Doctor Wang couldn't laugh or cry: "There is a problem, but this glass of water is not harmful."

Feng Ling was about to cry, "That's not harmful, you still said there was a problem."

"Ahem, what I mean is that someone seems to have put a little medicine in the water. The medicine has greatly helped Madam's condition! It's strange, but I can't detect the specific ingredients in it."

"Doctor Wang, what you mean is that the other party put the medicine in warm water and gave it to my mother out of kindness, right?"

"That's right. According to what you said, Madam was in a state of extreme hypoxia at that time. Even if we arrived in time, I'm afraid the situation would be bad. It is impossible to stay awake all the time."

In other words, if it does not come in time, it may die from lack of oxygen.

Feng Yu's expression was very scared, and he subconsciously held Lin Sang's hand.

"It's not that serious. I didn't feel it. I was out of breath at the time, but it suddenly became smoother afterwards. I didn't feel any sadness."

Dr. Wang was thoughtful, "If my analysis is correct, continue to use this medicine, Madam's complexion will recover even better!"

"What did you say? You're not joking, is this medicine of unknown origin really so miraculous?" Feng Yu looked like he couldn't believe it.

"According to the test, there is nothing wrong with this, but how did the other party know to use this medicine?"

Dr. Wang couldn't figure it out, unless the other party knew the patient well, but is it possible?

"Zero, your friend, she is a doctor." Lin Sang smiled, pretending to guess.

This question made Feng Ling feel embarrassed immediately, "Actually, I don't know her very well, and today is the second meeting, but I can tell that she is not a bad person."

If they were bad people, we would not have helped them at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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