Chapter 3172

It doesn't matter if they are good or not, the important thing is whether they are moral or not. If they can be abandoned at any time, how can they listen to such bosses.

Although they have some bargaining chips in their hands, they will still be the ones who will suffer in the event of a tear.

Yu Chen's small face was still cool, and upon hearing that, he nodded slightly.

"Then, happy cooperation in the future." He stretched out his hand, the curator was taken aback, and immediately wiped his palm and held it carefully.

The opponent's small hands are harmless, but at this moment he will never treat him as a normal child.

After withdrawing his hand, Yuchen put one hand behind his back, "Go to the next point."

"Yes, sir."

At that moment, the curator and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Going to the next point, could it be another martial arts gym under their banner?

They, this is to kick the gymnasium.

Feeling the pain from their bodies, everyone silently sympathized with other people, and even secretly thought that they needed someone to accompany them in the pain of trying.

Yu Chen who left didn't see the crowd who had been beaten to shame just now, all of them showed meaningful smiles.

A high-end restaurant, a few people came together, walked into a box, and when they saw the people inside, their expressions immediately became extremely sneering.

"Master Jin, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Boss Gao, Boss Fang, please sit down."

After a few people sat down, Jin Bai took out a bottle of red wine and signaled the attendants beside him to open it.

The red wine was poured into the glass, and the beautiful red liquid exuded an intoxicating aroma.

The wine entered the throat, and the conversation was naturally the beginning.

"Master Jin, in fact, we came today to confirm one thing, that is."

Boss Gao, that is, Gao Lijia's father, seemed to be the spokesperson and asked first.

Jin Bai looked as usual, with a faint smile on the corner of his lips, "Of course it's as discussed before, I've prepared everything."

As soon as he finished speaking, his subordinates immediately took out four documents, all of which were agreements for the transfer of equity. If he wanted to overthrow Bai Ye, the first thing he wanted was to replace him as the president of the Ming Ye Consortium!

"All the amount you want has been deposited into these four cards. There is a query machine here. You can go and confirm it."

In each file bag, there is a card, which is his reward for buying these shares.

Boss Wang smiled, "Master Jin was joking, we have cooperated so many times, so we naturally believe in you."

He, Jin Bai, would not fool around in this kind of matter, otherwise they would have plenty of ways to keep him from stepping down.

Afterwards, after the person who brought it confirmed that the document was okay, they signed it and put the card away with satisfied smiles on their faces.

Although it shows that the wild consortium can bring them huge benefits, they also know that Bai Ye and Jin Bai are fighting each other, and they will be at a stalemate, and it will be themselves who will suffer.

Now Jin Bai has used nearly double the price to take away the equity in their hands. With this, it is basically no problem to invest in other companies.

Furthermore, they are in this position, and they have gained a lot of benefits from the Mingye consortium. Jin Bai had covered them before, so Baiye couldn't find out.

If they reject this proposal, I am afraid that Bai Ye will be the one to settle accounts with them, and that person is not a good talker.

After the document was put away, Jin Bai raised his glass with a smile, "Then, look forward to our future cooperation."

Soon, the atmosphere in the box softened a lot.

A man looked at Jin Bai with a respectful and polite attitude: "Boss, we should go back."

(End of this chapter)

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