Chapter 3174 as you wish

In just a few years, she had a great reputation. At that time, he moved his mind, but was ruthlessly crushed by her.

And he has experienced too much, and he doesn't have the pure heart that he had at the beginning.

In the end, he took over everything from her by means. Not only was he unable to restore his peak, but the team was even torn apart. Fortunately, he still has a small foothold in this mercenary world.

Relying on this ability, he showed his ability to work and returned to the Akeno Foundation. In a flash, five years passed.

"Well, let's discuss now, next."

Before Jin Bai could finish speaking, the door was suddenly pushed open, and everyone's expressions became even weirder when they saw the person coming.

"Boss Bai" everyone looked at Bai Ye, and then at Jin Bai, and suddenly thought of watching a good show.

Boss Bai previously held 40.00% of the shares, and the rest were scattered in the hands of various shareholders, but now, Jin Bai holds 55%.

Ignoring the big guy's eyes, Bai Ye smiled very coldly on his face, "Since it is a shareholders' meeting, as a shareholder, I naturally have to participate."

As he said that, his eyes fell on Jin Bai, and his eyes were a little complicated, "You want the entire Mingye consortium?"

"Shouldn't it be mine?" No, the consortium is already in his hands now. As for the old Bai Ye, if he knows the taste well, if he doesn't, don't blame him for making a third move.


Jin Bai's expression was indifferent, and he looked at Bai Ye as if he was looking at an ordinary person.

"Mingye Consortium was originally founded by my father and you, but it fell into your hands alone. You have enjoyed it for so many years, should you step aside?"

Bai Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, "What do you mean, although your father and I jointly financed it at the beginning, but later, he himself encountered difficulties and had to sell the shares in his hand, and these are still me."

It's a pity that Jin Bai didn't want to talk nonsense, "Needless to say so much, now, it's time for you to hand over the company seal."

Bai Ye looked deeply at Jin Bai, then closed his eyes fiercely, "I have a clear conscience, if you insist on doing this, then I will do what you wish, and I will give you all the remaining shares."

Jin Ming, brother, I have exhausted my benevolence and righteousness. What kind of path Jin Bai will take now depends on his own choice.

When Bai Ye put the equity transfer document in front of him, he was stunned, taking it out so easily?Really, how much saliva he wasted at the beginning, he was not willing to let go, why is it so smooth today.

I thought it was because of Bai Ye's face and because he didn't want to be hunted down, so he gave in.

That being the case, he will no longer target him for the sake of nurturing himself for many years, and there is no need to pursue the liquid funds he took away.

"You, do it yourself!" Bai Ye looked at him, then glanced at the crowd, then turned and left.

Everything that happened today was beyond the imagination of the shareholders present, and the eyes looking at Jin Bai became dim.

Can a person who can abandon his adoptive father really be able to support the entire Mingye consortium?
Although Boss Bai has gradually delegated power over the years, everyone knows that in business, familiarity and cooperation are important factors to consolidate the business chain.

In the entire consortium, apart from its own strength, the partner is looking at Bai Ye.

Jin Bai watched the defeat and left, and walked back without saying a word. The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and indecision is not a good thing.

He wrote down his name on the recipient of the equity transfer agreement, and then put it aside. If he does not sign, the agreement will not take effect, and the Mingye consortium can only belong to him.

(End of this chapter)

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