Chapter 3177 Ruthless
In fact, it was because when Jun Luoxi was cooking, she brought some seasonings from there.

Even ordinary things, grown in a world full of aura, have a much better taste than here.

With the unique equipment in this world, it is naturally more delicious.

after a while.

News about the Akeno Foundation can be seen in various places such as the Internet and newspapers, especially the TV stations in this city, which focus on reporting various news.

When Jin Bai came out of the company gate, countless reporters rushed up, and the flashing lights kept flashing.

"President Jin, I heard that your company has tax evasion. Is this true?"

"President Jin, I am from xxx station. It is said that someone reported your company. I don't know if it is your business rival or there is a problem with the company's operation."

Imaginative and unconstrained, all kinds of questions rang out, and the microphones were all aimed at Jin Bai.

His handsome face can be said to have undergone a lot of vicissitudes, but he still maintained a faint smile, but he didn't say anything, and under the escort of bodyguards, he drove away in a car.

However, these reporters made all kinds of assumptions, and the overwhelming news was once again shocking.

"Boss, the xxx project has been completed, and the other party requires us to pay the final payment, otherwise we will be sued in court!" In the office, the subordinates looked depressed.

"Damn! Damn old thing, I know he has no good intentions!"

He thought he had mastered the entire Akino consortium, but in the end it was just an empty shell, the one with huge debts, he couldn't cry even if he wanted to.

"How much money is left in the company account?"

"Boss, there are not many. Those projects that were originally planned to cooperate have also failed. Those who voted for it will not be able to pay back within a period of time, and we have not paid the fine, and the account has been frozen."

Hearing this, Jin Bai was so angry that he almost died on the spot.

"Frozen?" He looked gloomy, "You, take out all the funds on my card, and transfer the free funds from our side to deal with it first."

As soon as the decision was made, this subordinate was a little tangled, "Boss, the other side is also tight, will this be possible?" The other side he was talking about was the company they founded behind Bai Ye's back.

Now more than three years have passed, and the development is not bad, but there are too many investigations than the Mingye Foundation.

"Don't talk nonsense, do as I say" and drag it on, I don't know what rumors will come out from the outside world.

In just one month, the value of their consortium's stock dropped sharply. The partner saw that they had problems, and the cooperation was either postponed, or the other party broke the contract directly, resulting in heavy losses.

The documents issued by the relevant departments, the high fines and the closure of business without a clear deadline for rectification, if we don't get on the right track quickly, the losses will be immeasurable.

When he was alone in the office, a number called his cell phone number.


"What? OK."

After hanging up the phone, he raised his hand to pick up a delicately carved crystal ornament on the table, and slammed it on the ground with a bang. The staff outside couldn't help but look at it.

"Something went wrong at this time, damn it!"

Taking a deep breath, he picked up the phone again and dialed, "Hey, it's me, check to see if someone has deliberately targeted me recently, well, as soon as possible! The sooner the better."

Jin Bai pursed his lips and remained silent, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes. Everything he encountered during this period was like eight lifetimes of bad luck, unstoppable.

If the company's problems were caused by Bai Ye's interference, it would make sense not to let him easily take over the consortium, but the mercenary group has never had any problems, so how could it fail and be exposed this time.

(End of this chapter)

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